Page 30 of Wanting the Winger

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“Girl, I know you better than you know yourself.”

I nod. “As sad as that is, I think you’re right.”

“So, what’s this mystery man’s name and how did you meet?”

“His name is Darius.” I continue to fill her in on the details of how we met and how he took me out for coffee.

She laughs. “I can’t believe you screwed up and dyed his dog’s hair.”

I scrunch my nose up, wrinkling the skin below the bridge. “I’m still cringing about that.”

She shrugs. “At least it worked out for the best. What happened after that night?”

“I didn’t see him for a couple of weeks. When I came out of work at the end of my shift one evening, he was waiting in the parking lot. We walked to a pizza place by the harbor and had dinner.”

“And then what?”

“We took a walk through the park and he kissed me by the fountain.”

“The pineapple one?”


“I love that fountain. How was the kiss? Was it hot?” She wiggles her dark eyebrows.

I sigh like a lovesick teenager. “It was incredible.”

“Where else have you gone with him?” she asks.

So, I tell her about our date last night.

“Did you put out?”

“Wendy!” I slap the couch cushion next to me. “No, I didn’t.”

“Well, something must’ve happened. Your cheeks are turning more pink by the second.”

I roll my eyes. “Ugh. You’re such a pain in the ass.” I glance at Wendy and she’s gesturing for me to get on with it. “Fine. If you must know, I rode his thigh to an orgasm while we made out.”

“Yes!” She throws her fist high in the air, making me laugh. Everyone should have a friend like Wendy who celebrates all of life’s victories with them whether they’re big or small.

“At least you know it still works.” She cackles.

I’m tempted to take back every good thought I just had about her.

“Ha ha. You’re so hilarious.”

“I know I am.” She grins cheesily. “When are you going out with him again?”

“We made a tentative plan for later this week, but he said we’ll talk before then.”

“How much do you like him? Does this thing between you have relationship potential?”

Pausing, I take a moment to think about her questions and assess my feelings for him. I’ve been doing my best to keep myself from overthinking and analyzing every little thing Darius says or does. I’m not a teenager anymore. I have responsibilities, and I can’t be mooning over some hot guy after a couple of dates. But being levelheaded about romance is harder than it should be, no matter what age you are. Romance is the great equalizer that makes everyone do dumb shit they’re sure to regret.

“I like him. He’s sexy and fun to be with. Beyond that, I’ve got no expectations. If things progress, that’s great, and if not, c’est la vie.”Lies. All lies.

“That’s a healthy attitude to have and very unlike the Evie I know and love.”
