Page 31 of Wanting the Winger

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“I’m growing up, Mom,” I joke.

“I’m sure you are, but I’m still skeptical that you’re putting up a brave front for me. Or it’s possible you’re flat out lying to avoid hearing me spout off.”

Although I avoid looking at her, I feel the intensity of her eyes on me and I know what she’s going to say before she speaks.

“You might as well admit you’re lying so we can move on,” she says.

“Grrr. You’re so goddamn annoying.”

“And you love me.”

“I do. But sometimes I want to be left alone with my denial. Why must you make me come clean every fucking time? No one likes a know-it-all, Wendy.” I stick my tongue out at her like we’re still teenagers.

“It’s for your own good. I’m the friend who makes sure you keep it real. You don’t need to sugar coat things with me or downplay them.”

“I know that.” When you grow up with parents who are perpetually displeased with everything you do, you feel the need to downplay things.

“Are you hoping things will get serious with Darius?” she asks.

“It’s too soon to say. That’s the best answer I can give you for now. I have mixed emotions about the possibility of being in a relationship with him. Would it be awesome to have someone who cares about me that I can have steaming-hot sex with? Hell yes. But… having a boyfriend would also complicate my life. Every time we’d go out, I’d feel like I should be home with Tillie.”

“Not if you’re going out after she’s asleep,” Wendy reminds me.

“I’d have less time to myself than I already do. The hours after Tillie is in bed is the only time I don’t have to do anything for anyone else. I’d be sacrificing that to be with Darius.”

“Yeah, but if he’s a god in bed, is it really a sacrifice?”

I nod. “True. But he might not be. I don’t know yet.”

“That’s an easy enough fix. You need to have sex with him ASAP.”

I laugh. “Sure.”

Wendy holds up a finger. “Hear me out. If he’s a dud, you can end things before you get more emotionally invested. If he’s as good as he seems like he’ll be, then he’s a keeper.”

As much as it pains me to admit it to myself, Wendy could be on to something here. I haven’t had sex infive years. That’s a long fucking time.I deserve to have sex. A lot of hot sex.

“It’s not the craziest idea I’ve ever heard,” I admit.

“I think it’s a fabulous idea. Consider it research at this point. How long does it take before a hymen grows back?”

I hold up my middle finger in her direction. “It doesn’t grow back.”

She laughs. “So, are you on board with the have sex ASAP plan?”

Am I?This is a big step for me. Ryan is the only man I’ve ever been with. There wasn’t any real passion between us, but we were both too young to realize something was missing. But then again, I’ve never experienced passionate sex. Maybe it doesn’t really exist. Maybe people exaggerate how great it is so they don’t feel like they’re missing something.

Wendy clears her throat, impatient for my answer.

“Yeah, for lack of a better idea, I guess I’m going with your plan. As out of character as it seems for me, I would like to know if there’s potential for more with Darius.”

“He could be amazing in bed and you still decide you don’t want to pursue a relationship. That doesn’t mean you can’t be friends with benefits.”

I’m not the type to have no-strings sex. Well, I guess I can’t really say that because I don’t really know if I am or not. At twenty-four years old, this is the first time I’d be entering into a sexual relationship as an adult. It sounds outrageous, but it’s true.


