Page 60 of Wanting the Winger

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“Yeah, congratulations, Dad.”

“Thank you, Evelyn. What’s going on here?” His eyes drop to our joined hands.

“Your daughter and I are in a relationship, sir.” Why linger at the cliff’s edge when you can jump right off and get it over with?

“Is that so?” His thick brows lower in contemplation.

“Yes, Dad, it is.”

“How long has this been going on for?”

“We met last month and neither of us knew who the other was. Oddly enough, we didn’t realize our connection until tonight. I didn’t know Evie was going to be here and she didn’t know I was either. Funny, right?” I smile, but Coach Carling’s face remains as stony as ever.

“If you were with any other girl besides my daughter I wouldn’t believe it. But Evie abhors hockey and everything to do with it.”

“Yes. She told me, sir.”

“I’m sorry to say I don’t approve of this relationship.”

“Why not?” Evie asks before I can.

“Darius has a bright future ahead of him. He doesn’t need to deal with any distractions.”

“Your daughter isn’t a distraction, she’s a wonderful woman.”

“You may feel that way now, but Evelyn has a lot of baggage that will only bring you down.”

“She’sright here, listening to us. And I wouldn’t care if Evie had a barge load of problems, I love her. Being with her makes me happy.”

Coach crosses his arms over his chest. “For now, maybe.”

“Dad, I don’t appreciate your attitude. This has nothing to do with you.”

“Darius is one of my players. Of course it has to do with me. What affects the team, affects me.”

“How does my relationship with Evie affect the team?”

“How long will it be before the two of you are fighting and your play suffers?” he asks. He looks so sanctimonious, I want to punch him in the face.

“I don’t plan to fight with Evie, but if we ever do, I’ll leave it at the door of the arena like I do any problem I deal with. Isn’t that what adults do, Coach?”

“It’s not always so cut and dried, Darius. We’ll see how you handle being in my daughter’s chaotic world.”

Evie lets out a soft gasp. I squeeze her hand, offering what comfort I can.

“From what I’ve seen, Evie’s world isn’t chaotic at all. She’s organized, hard working, and a great mom who puts her daughter first.”

“Are you going to be happy always coming second to another man’s child?” he asks.

“I think Tillie should always be first. I don’t have a problem with that at all.”

“And you don’t mind that she lives with her ex, Ryan?”

“I don’t live with him, Dad.” Evie tugs her hand free from mine. “I need to grab my purse and say goodbye to my mom. I’ll be right back.” She hurries off as fast as she can, no doubt eager to get away from her dad.

“Coach, I know about the duplex, and I’ve also met Ryan. I think it’s admirable how the two of them have handled raising their daughter together. Especially after having her so young.”

“Well, I can see your mind's made up and I’m not going to change it. I’ll just say good luck to the both of you. I better not see a decline in your play. Don’t make me regret signing you.”
