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“It’s been on pause since Kaiden came around. But I need to get back into looking. I can’t let having a boyfriend keep me from taking care of the things that are important to me.”

“What if you end up marrying him? He’s a multi-millionaire. It’s not like you’d need to work.”

“Even if I were married to him, I’d still want to pursue my career. My goal isn’t to be married to a professional hockey player. My goal is to be a sports agent.”

“Right. It’s what you’ve wanted since freshman year of high school.” Serena reminds me of how long I’ve been dreaming about this.

“In the meantime, working at the bar isn’t so bad. Hey, let me show you my view. You’re not going to believe it.” I turn the phone around, panning from one side of Kaiden’s yard to the other.

“You lucky bitch,” she squeals, and I turn the camera back toward me. “He’s hot, rich, with tongue skills, and… hey, you never told me what the D looks like. And does he know what to do with it?”

“He’s big all over and knows how to work that to his advantage.” I wink at her.

“You must’ve died a virgin in a past life to be so blessed in this one,” she says, making me laugh.

“This relationship isn’t exactly complication free. At some point I’ll have to tell my family about Kaiden and me. How do you think that’s going to go?”

“Who cares as long as you get to keep the prize—the prize being Kaiden.”

“Yeah, I got the reference. But you know me and my dislike for drama. If there was a way not to tell them and they’d be none the wiser, I’d probably do it.”

“When you tell Valentina can I be there? I want to film her head spinning. It’ll be a TikTok sensation.”

I laugh. “It’s been a long time since they’ve been together. Maybe she’ll be fine with us being a couple.”

“I have more chance of being British royalty than that happening,” Serena drolls.

“You’re probably right.”

“Probably? I am right, and I can’t wait to tell you I told you so.”

I stick my middle finger up in front of my face.

Serena smiles and then her lips form a pout. She suddenly looks sad. “I already miss you and you’ve only been gone for a day. How am I going to make it through the next couple of months?”

Will it only be a couple of months or will it be permanent?

“You’ll be fine. I bet you already have clothes hanging in my closet,” I say, hoping to lighten her mood.

Her expression changes to one of shame. “You might be right.”

Smiling, I shake my head. “See? There are perks to me not being there.”

She shrugs. “Extra closet space is the only one.”

I hope as time passes, Serena will get used to, and even learn to enjoy, having more space, because I can’t imagine Kaiden letting me go now that I’m staying here—living here, according to him. But I’m not about to pile onto her concerns. Instead, we can focus on mine.

“When should I break the news to my family?”

* * *

I’m passing out drinks at a table when all conversations in the bar drop off, then resume in a frenzy and at an increased volume. Scanning the large room, my gaze freezes on the three handsome men who’ve just walked in. Well, I’m focused on one in particular. The one with the cap worn backward covering his dark blond hair. A hint of shadow covers his jawline, giving him a roguish air. His lips spread into a wide smile, setting the butterflies free inside my stomach. I can’t believe this tall hunk is all mine. It still hasn’t sunk in yet. I feel like I should be pinching myself to make sure I’m awake.

I nod in the direction of an empty table and they head that way. I hurry to the bar and grab another order, delivering it to a table of regulars. I finally make it over to Kaiden’s table.

“Hi, guys,” I say, but I smile at him.

“Hey, Rori,” Murphy and Ryder say simultaneously.
