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“You’re in a relationship with him?” Valentina shrieks.

It’s all I can do not to laugh. This situation is so absurd.

“Not only are we in a relationship, but we live together.”

“You live with him?” Valentina shrieks again. She sounds like a freaking parrot repeating everything I say in a squawking tone.

“I do.”

“At the townhouse?” my mom asks.

“No, at his house on Sullivan’s Island.”

“That’s a long commute for you,” my mom says at the same time Valentina says, “It’s not fair.”

“What’s not fair?” I ask.

“That you’re with Kaiden.”

“Why isn’t that fair, sis? Did you expect him to never move on from you? To never fall in love with anyone?”


“It sounds like you did.”

“Of course that’s not what she thought,” my mom defends her.

“I’m waiting to hear what she thinks. She’s not doing a very good job explaining.”

“Fine. I didn’t want to say this, but I think it’s pathetic you’re settling for my castoffs. But you’ve always been jealous of me.” She avoids looking at me by focusing on her long, red fingernails.

I snort out loud. “That’s hilarious. I’ve never been jealous of you or Stella. You’re my sisters and I want the best for you. No matter what that entails. Why can’t you be happy? You have a husband who loves you and two amazing children. Why can’t that be enough for you?”

“It is enough,” she says.

“If that were true, you wouldn’t care that Kaiden and I are together. You’d want everyone to be as happy as you are.”

“I do want you to be happy.”

“Just not with Kaiden, though, right?” I press, and she nods. “That’s what I thought.” Pushing back my chair, I stand. “I hope you can be happy for Kaiden and me, but if you can’t—oh well.” I shrug. “Either way, I won’t let it affect my relationship with him.” I lean down to kiss my mom’s cheek. “I’ve got to get to work. I love you, Mom.”

“I love you too, but—”

“There are no buts when it comes to loving someone, Mom. You either do or you don’t.” I walk from the kitchen and keep moving until I’m outside. I pause to pull in a deep, calming breath before I walk down the stairs to the driveway.

Once I’m in my car, I feel the adrenaline dump hit. I’m shaky, nauseous, and exhausted. It’s similar to how I feel when I push myself too hard when I run.

I back from the driveway, and once I’m on my way toward work, tears well in my eyes. I swipe them away as fast as they fall. My sister doesn’t deserve my tears. But no matter how much I try to let their words roll off me and not take them to heart, it still hurts. Always feeling like I’m the black sheep of my family when I’ve done nothing to deserve that title wears on me. I keep waiting for our relationships to improve, but it’s apparent they’re not going to.



Rori gripsmy hand as if we’re about to come face-to-face with a monster. But I guess a party full of people she doesn’t know might seem just as intimidating.

“Relax, baby. I’ll be with you the whole time. I promise not to leave your side,” I say.

“Kaiden, I’m not that pathetic. I don’t need a bodyguard all night. Once I meet a few more people, I’ll be fine.”
