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“Before you go, can you please help me wash the back of my shoulder? I can’t see if there’s any dirt left in the scrapes.”

Maybe she’s not as uncomfortable as I thought.

She hands over the soapy cloth and I’m hesitant to make contact. “Tell me if this hurts and I’ll stop.”


Carefully, I dab at the angry scrape, making sure I get soap on every part. I glance at her face, checking for discomfort, but she remains stoic.

“That should do it.” I hand the cloth back to her, noticing the traces of blood on the white material.

“Thank you.” She wrings out the cloth while I make my way from the room and close the door behind me.



Once the door shuts,I breathe a sigh of relief. Kaiden is as nice as I recall, but his large presence felt like it was sucking up all the oxygen in this room.

And he’s so freaking sexy with his messy hair that looks like he pays someone to run their fingers through it all day.If that’s an actual job, sign me up.Back in the day, I may have been too young to realize how handsome he was, but now it’s impossible not to notice. He has the kind of good looks that make women flustered to the point of being tongue tied. I’m glad I’ve been able to remain somewhat composed. It must be the pain distracting me, because I’m not usually this unruffled around men I find attractive.

I shut off the water and carefully peel my shorts down my legs, avoiding contact with my scrapes. Getting my sports bra off isn’t quite as easy, but I manage. The sodden material drops to the tiled floor with a splosh. I grab the large towel from the hook on the wall and blot the water from my limbs before wrapping it around me.

Oh shit.I don’t have any dry clothes to change into and my bedroom is upstairs. Maybe Kaiden left and I won’t see him again. Or he could be in the kitchen getting a drink.

Opening the door, I take a quick peek around. With no sign of him, I continue forward.

“How are you feeling now?” he calls out when I’m almost to the stairs, startling me.

I jump, losing my tight hold on the towel covering me. Floundering, I try to catch the material before it can fall to the ground, and I succeed. But not until it’s fallen below my ass, giving Kaiden ample time to see my full moon.Oh, for fuck’s sake.

I yank the white terry cloth upward, wrapping it snuggly around myself before I turn around to face him.

He’s standing in the space between the kitchen and living room. There’s no way he didn’t see my naked ass. And judging by the grin on his face, he’s not even trying to pretend he didn’t.

“How are you feeling?” He repeats his question, and this time I don’t lose my towel.


“A little better. I’ll be right back.” I jog up the stairs and hurry into my room, closing the door behind me. I sink onto the edge of the bed, releasing an embarrassed groan. As if it’s not bad enough that he basically had to peel me off the pavement, now I had to go and flash him my booty. Maybe if I hide away up here long enough, he’ll leave.

Screw that.He saw my ass—big deal. At least it wasn’t a frontal flash. That would’ve been much worse.

I almost got run over by a car, for God’s sake. This could’ve been the day I died. I can’t let some accidental nudity affect me this much.

Rising, I cross the room to my bureau and pull some items from the drawers. I drop the towel in the hamper and slip into some comfortable clothes.

Glancing at my reflection in the mirror above the bureau, I cringe. I forgot about the buns Claudia styled. They look like Minnie Mouse ears, and I probably wore a similar hairstyle the last time Kaiden saw me. I remove the elastics holding my hair up and run my fingers through my long tresses a few times.

My phone dings from the nightstand where I left it earlier today. My running shorts don’t have pockets, and even if they did, sometimes I like to be disconnected from everything. It’s one of the reasons I run. I lose myself in the physical challenge. I don’t want any distractions.

Serena’s name shows on the screen.

Why is Kaiden Hart in our living room?


Get down here.
