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“Mom, I couldn’t keep from falling for him. Believe me, I tried. He’s irresistible and treats me like you’d want me to be treated.”

“You make a striking couple and you look happy,” she says.

“I am happy.”

“You know that’s all I want for you and your sisters. That’s what I pray for every night before I go to sleep.”

“If you want us happy, you have to support our choices whether you agree with them or not.”

“I know. I’ve been giving my past actions a lot of thought. I even spoke to Valentina about making some changes too. I think with the two of us working on being more positive, it will have a lasting effect.”

“How did Valentina take your suggestion? She’s never been great at hearing about or realizing her own faults.”

“No, she hasn’t, and I’m sure I have some culpability in that. In many ways she and I are a lot alike.”

“Yes, you are.”

Our waitress drops off our drinks and appetizers, putting an end to our conversation—at least for now. But even if we don’t speak about our issues any more tonight, I feel great about the progress we’ve made.Maybe new beginnings and fresh starts can work?

* * *

Today is my first day at Legacy Sports Management.Yay!I’m so excited I can barely stand still. I’m also extremely nervous and hope I’m only shaking on the inside. I try to reassure myself with the “this is only a job and there are other ones out there” speech. But then I snap back, reminding myself how long it’s taken me to find a job in my field.

Pausing, I run my damp palms down the front of my slim black trousers.Are you ready?

I’m not sure it’s possible to be completely ready for this. I’ve been waiting for this moment for ages. With today being the official start date of my career, it feels so monumental. Kaiden even made me a good luck breakfast of pancakes and eggs. They were delicious, but I’m regretting eating them with my stomach feeling upset from nerves.

“Rori, it’s so nice to see you,” Margot says, rising slowly from her chair with her back arched to support her extremely pregnant stomach. Today is her last day as my boss Nadia’s personal assistant. She’ll be gone on maternity leave for a few months.

Smiling, I approach her desk. “Margot, it’s great to see you. How are you feeling?”

“Ready to burst or sleep for days. I’m not sure which one will happen first.” She winces.

“Please sit back down.”

“Okay, but only if you’ll join me.” She pats a second chair that’s been wheeled in next to hers.

I move around to the backside with her and sit down. I set my purse that contains my phone and keys down on the edge of the desk and scoot my chair forward.

“I made a list of everything I do for Nadia each day, so you won’t have to guess about what you should be doing,” she says.

“Thanks. I appreciate it. I’m new to all of this.”

“I also wrote down a bunch of more detailed notes for which calls she takes immediately and which ones can wait. I even mentioned what I say to the callers to pacify them.”

“Wow, you’re efficient.”

Margot laughs. “I try to be. But I also don’t want to leave Nadia in a lurch. I planned to be here for the remainder of this week to train you, but it’s too difficult to work like this.” She gestures to her massive belly. “So you’re getting a one-day crash course. I also added my phone number in case you have questions. You can call or text me anytime you’re unsure of something.”

“You’re so nice. Aren’t you afraid I’ll reach out too much?”

She glances at me with a soft smile on her full lips. “I’m not. I get a good vibe from you. Besides, Kaiden speaks highly of you and he’s one of our best clients. He’s also one of the easiest. I don’t think he’d be with someone who isn’t capable. He’s careful to keep away from drama and the limelight.” She grabs a small, red three-ring binder from her desk and hands it to me. “Everything you need is in here. It’s your work bible.”

Opening the cover, I turn through the pages, scanning the subject matter. “I can’t believe you made this for me. Thank you so much. I’m sure this will be invaluable for me.”

“Well, you need to be invaluable to Nadia.”

“I’ll do my best.” Despite the overwhelming sense of inadequacy permeating me, I force a smile to my stiff lips.
