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Kaiden giveshis last name to the hostess and a waitress shows us to our table where my mom and dad are already sitting.

They both stand as we approach. The waitress places some menus on the table, then walks off. I look from my mom to my dad, waiting for someone to step forward and put an end to the awkwardness. No one should ever feel awkward around their own parents.

“How’s it going?” Kaiden asks my dad, breaking the ice. They shake hands and then I’m in my dad’s arms.

“I’m so glad to see you, Aurora.”

“It’s nice to see you too, Dad. Not nice enough to let you get away with calling me Aurora, though.” I smile.

He chuckles. “It’s the name we chose for you. You’ll always be my baby girl, Aurora.”

Stepping back from my dad, I turn to find my mom, and she’s there waiting with her arms stretched open. I move forward and she hugs me tightly.

“I’m so happy to see you, Rori.”

I’m hit with a deluge of emotions and my eyes tear up. I can’t pinpoint the main sentiment I’m feeling. Much like my relationship with my mom, it’s complicated. I’m happy and sad. Resentful and forgiving. Regretful and hopeful.

When we part, I notice the tears in her eyes. “It’s nice to see you, Mom.”

“Why don’t we all sit down,” Kaiden suggests.

“Good idea,” I say, smiling at him. I slide onto the bench seat, moving in as far as I can before he joins me. My parents get situated on the other side of the table.

“How are you feeling, Rori,” my mom asks. “I see your arm is no longer casted.”

“Yeah, I got it removed yesterday. Aside from a bad tan line, there’s not much difference from before I broke it. There might be some slight weakness, but I’ve got exercises to do every day that are supposed to help with that.”

“Your nails look nice,” she says.

I glance down at my bubblegum-pink nails. “Thanks. Kaiden surprised me and Serena with a spa day. I got my hair done too.”

“You look beautiful, Aurora,” my dad says.

I roll my eyes. “Dad, really?”

“What?” Kaiden asks.

“Aurora,” I say, and he smiles.

“That reminds me of when you were a little girl,” Kaiden says.

“Ugh. Me too. Besides, do I really look like an Aurora? It’s too fancy for me.”

The waitress reappears to take our drink and appetizer order before scurrying off once more. This restaurant is as packed as usual. I’m surprised no one has noticed there’s a hockey god in their midst, but I’m hoping our good fortune continues.

“Kaiden, have you started practicing yet?” my dad asks.

“Yes, we have. Preseason games will start in another week.”

“Are you excited for the approaching season?” he asks.

“I am. I’m not getting any younger, so I try to enjoy them all as much as possible in case it’s my final one.”

“That’s a smart attitude to have,” Dad says.

He and Kaiden get involved in a discussion about some of the other hockey teams in the league and my mom takes advantage of their preoccupation to talk with me.

“Rori, honey, I want to apologize for so many things. Especially for being critical of you. I have no right to tell you how to live your life or who to fall in love with.”
