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“I hate that he’s in there. The place is an absolute shithole and the system sucks. Sometimes I just need to put it out of my mind. Other times I use it to push me, to reach for things that I hope one day can help him, help my family.”

“You want to be a lawyer.” It’s not stated as a question.

I turn the ignition off when I pull into the spot next to hers. Charlotte’s car is the only one left in the library’s lot. “I’m majoring in economics because I think it will give me the broadest education and best preparation for the LSATs. My plan is to take summer classes and winter break credits also. I plan to finish my undergrad in three years, then on to law school.”

“You’ve got it all figured out.”

“I guess Freud would say I crave security and stability?”

She pinches her thumb and forefinger close. “Maybe just a little.”

“Do you know what you want to do?”

“Not yet.”

“You’re a talented dancer. Ever thought about making a career out of it?”

She tilts her head in the most adorable way. “I enjoy dancing but I don’t see a future in it.”

“I do.”

“My mother was a theater major. I’m not about to hang my hopes on a dream.” I understand that I have no place sticking my two cents in when she adds, “I need a degree that will allow me stand on my own two feet.”

“I get that, I do.”

We’re quiet for a bit, but it’s a comfortable silence.

“Chocolate chip or blueberry tomorrow?”

I lift her hand up and kiss the back of it, grateful for her caring nature. “I’m not working tomorrow. I’m visiting Tim with my mother.”

“Oh,” she says, looking down at the hand I just kissed.

“I’ve been picking up some shifts after school lately too, trying to save more. Normally I’d never give up a weekend shift, but my mother wanted to squeeze in an extra visit this month and I don’t like her going there alone.”

“You’re a good son.”

Her praise makes me uncomfortable, because a good son wouldn’t be deserting his mother, leaving her here to deal with everything alone. Come August, I’ll be doing just that.

She nudges my knee with hers. “So I’ll see you at school on Monday?”

“Meet me by my locker before first period?” She looks surprised. Does she think I’m planning on hiding this, hiding her? “Hey,” I pull her in closer, “I can’t just drop by your house, or even walk down the street in your neighborhood holding your hand. When I can be with you, I’m going to be.”

She nods, looking at me with those big brown eyes. “I’ll be there.”

She’s the one who leans in first and kisses me. I’m the one who breaks the kiss a minute later, holding her to me, breathing in as I nestle into her hair. “Charlotte.” I say it just because I love the sound of her name.

We stay like that for a minute, just holding on, before I go around to her side of the truck and help her out. “I’ll follow you home.”

“Don’t be silly.” She’s grinning and so am I. We probably look like two lovesick fools to anyone passing by, but I couldn’t care less. “I’ll see you Monday,” she says, getting into her car.

I already know I won’t be able to wait that long.

Chapter Eleven


I sit in my driveway, reading through several texts from Daisy.Do I want to go to the mall later?It’s later already. Much later.And BTW, Sarah’s coming too. Thank the Lord for Sarah.We’re getting burgers at The Ground, meet us.Nope, still full from the burger and cheese fries I had before.Sienna and Skylar are here. All the seniors are here.No, notallthe seniors. Simon isn’t there. Simon’s been with me. And then I get to the best text, the one from Simon that just came in:
