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He shakes his head. “I shouldn’t comment because I don’t know what happened there, but you’re not a man in my book if you walk away from your responsibilities.”

Lawrence cocks a brow. “Did you just say something?”

I nod and repeat what I whispered a moment before. “I saw Simon today.”

We’re already back in town, just a mile or so from home, but this news compels him to pull over. “What?”

“I saw him. He was walking out of the museum. He didn’t see me.”

“Or his son.”

He puts the car into drive and we don’t speak again until after we pick Moe up at a friend’s and we’re back in the house. “Give me the little fella.” To Ethan, he says, “Moe’s hungry. You gonna help me feed him?”

Ethan has been quiet these past few weeks, grieving along with the rest of us. He’s reverted to sucking his thumb again, which makes me, captain of the germ police, edgy as all get out. “Thumb out of your mouth, sweetie.”

He side eyes me and goes on sucking his thumb like it’s a T-bone.

Lawrence looks weary. “Some battles just aren’t worth fighting.”

“Roger that.”

I get the distinct impression that we’re not done with our conversation from before when Lawrence comes into the living room after dinner and hands me a bowl of ice cream. I love homemade ice cream but tonight it feels too thick to swallow. I forge ahead though, because I can’t look Lawrence in the eye, even if it’s to tell him I’m not hungry.

“So what are we going to do about this?”

Deep breath. “I can’t.”

“You will one day. You know that, right?” When I don’t answer he says, “You’re breaking that man’s heart every day you don’t tell him.”

“He doesn’t…”

I don’t know what I mean to say. What? He doesn’t what?

“Think of the worst case scenario, Charlotte. Worst case, he’s a rotten fool and he doesn’t want to be a part of Ethan’s life. No loss, right? He’s not a part of his life now.”

“No, Lawrence, the worst case scenario is him hating me for keeping it a secret.”

“But that can happen tomorrow, or that can—no, itwillhappen when Ethan is old enough to ask questions, to demand answers.”


“I’m just telling it like it is, sweetheart.” He reaches over and rubs my shoulder. “I’m not looking to upset you. You know I want the best for you. And that boy, well…He’s my heart, you know?”

When I look at Lawrence, I see that he’s holding back tears, just like me.

“Me and Janelle talked about it. And while I didn’t agree with your decision back then, I could understand your reasoning. But that old argument doesn’t hold water anymore, now does it?”

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying you are a woman of means.”

“Oh lordy, I can’t even think about that.”

“I don’t want to think about her giving me this house either. It pisses me off. And just for the record, I won’t accept it. This place is yours.”

I fix him with a hard look. “Uh, youwilltake it because that’s what she wanted.” I hit his knee with mine. “I don’t exactly love the wilderness the way she did, and anyway, I know I can come up here with Ethan and crash whenever I want.”

“It just bothers me. Makes me look at my little ramshackle place with sad eyes, I guess.”
