Page 27 of All Your Life

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She cuts me off even though I had nothing to add to that one syllable. “Don’t. I was just kidding.”

But she wasn’t kidding, and I feel pretty disgusted with myself acknowledging that I was gloating—maybe even basking in her misery—and knowing I could cut her down to size with just one look.

“I was acting like an asshole after your birthday party because I was jealous.” I look up, away, around—anywhere to avoid her eyes. I never let my guard down, and I’m not comfortable feeling so exposed.

“I’m the one who was acting like an idiot. Dancing around, hamming it up for the cameras…”

“You looked like you were having fun, but I knew…I mean, Iknowwhat he’s like, and I was angry that you couldn’t see it too.”

“It’s sad, but I was already wishing the summer away, looking forward to breaking up with him before leaving for school.”

It’s quiet for a full minute or two until I ask,“When do you leave?”

“Orientation is August twenty-third.”

“So you have two months.”

She nods, and I catch the trace of a smile before she turns away slowly. “Looks like my calendar is wide open now.”

Is this an invitation? I decide that it is. I take a step back, rest my head and then slide down the wall until my ass hits the ground. She looks at me, looks at the spot on the floor next to me, and then takes a few steps to close the distance. “It’s a good thing your uncle is such a neat freak,” she says as she slowly slides down and plops her butt next to mine.

“He doesn’t clean the floor. You have me to thank for the pristine condition of this place.”


“De nada, señorita.”

I can’t see her rolling her eyes, but I’m pretty sure she is. “Don’t tell me, you speak like three foreign languages, right?”

“English only. Sorry ‘bout that.”

“Same here. It makes me feel unworldly.”

“You’re right. It does.”

When she turns my way and goes to swat me, I grab her wrist, hold it as I rub my thumb over the spot where her pulse beats. She’s nervous. I want to tell her that I am, too. I don’t know if I’m making a misstep, don’t if I should release my hold on her. I don’t know what I’m doing.

Sarah watches my thumb move back and forth. “I can’t stop thinking about you,” she whispers.


Her eyes are soft when they meet mine. “You think about me?”

“Yeah,” I confess. “I think about you a lot.”

Chapter Fifteen


Someone is knocking on the door downstairs but I’m not getting up to check. I just don’t care what’s going on outside my little bubble right now. I want to stay this in good memory for as long as I can before facing reality.

My fingers trace over my lips and I smile thinking back on that kiss. Liam looked tense in that moment before he closed the small distance between us and kissed me. It was a quick kiss but not rushed. It was soft and gentle. When Liam pulled back and looked at me to gauge my reaction, I wonder what he saw on my face. I was happy but he must have only seen the tears forming in my eyes.

“I won’t do it again,” he whispered, lowering his head. I was confused for a split second, wondering what was going on when he turned away from me and rested his head back against the wall.

“Liam,” I whispered, “look at me.” He wouldn’t though, so I moved from where I was sitting next to him and planted myself in his lap. “I liked the kiss.” He wouldn’t look at me until I took his face in my hands and gently turned him. “I wanted it.”
