Page 52 of Muskoka Blue

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The other qualities used to be true and maybe would be true again. At least she could agree with him on the gifted singer statement. She wasn’t falsely modest about that. She’d been told for years she had a gift and had seen it at work, God using this part of her life to really touch people.

“Hey, Sar.” She turned to where Dan stood at the back of the boat. “You coming in?”

She shook her head, then watched as Dan executed a perfect dive, swimming underwater until he was halfway to a floating platform the others had almost reached. A few more strokes and he pulled himself out of the water, looking lean, brown, and very…fit.

Sarah swallowed and looked back at her copy ofPersuasion, but the words might’ve been in Chinese for all the sense she could make of them. She dropped the book back in her beach bag, sipped her water bottle, and settled back in the padded chair, facing away from the men, looking across to Lake Muskoka’s far shore.

It was a beautiful day. The sky was clear save for a light dusting of cirrus, the water deeply blue, the green fringe of trees glowing jewel-like in the sun. Birds ducked and dived as the water gently slapped the side of the boat. Peace settled softly on her soul. She took a deep breath, then exhaled. Drew in another lungful of clean, fresh air. Her chest grew tight, and there was no room for the used-up air already in her lungs. It had to be released.

She closed her eyes. Maybe life was like breathing. Draw in the good; release the bad. Maybe all this time she’d been fighting, struggling for air, when God had wanted her to breathe in something new and fresh. Maybe all this confusion was kind of like God saying He wanted her to breathe Him in and let go of the past.

Let go and let God.

Humor plucked, and she opened her eyes. “That’s funny, God.”

The sun continued to bless her with warmth. Dan’s words earlier had peeled open the truth already in her heart. She wasn’t a victim of her past. She was Sarah Maguire, loved by God. And she really didn’t need a man or an engagement ring to know she was loved and all right. With God, allwasbeing made right. Here, in this beautiful part of the world, she really was getting better. And even though she might not feel like it all the time, the puzzle pieces of her life were slowly being put together again, revealing the person God had made her to be: loved, forgiven, unique, special, free.

She stared across the glistening water, where shadows chased sunlight. And inhaled:more of You, God.Exhaled:less of me.Did it again, as deep contentment filled her heart for the first time in a long time.Thank You, God. Thank You so much for setting me free.Blinking back emotion, she basked in the warmth of the afternoon sun, a smile dancing on her lips, peace in her soul.God, You are so good.

The guys’ shouts grew closer, and she turned to watch them clamber back on board. She turned away as they started toweling themselves dry, but soon peeked back and caught Dan’s gaze. His smile sent a bolt of warmth right through her.

“So, do you want to go out again?”

Sarah jumped, shading her eyes as she looked up at Rob, standing close by. “Um, I’m not sure.”

“I had a lot of fun.”

“It was nice, but…I don’t think I’m the right sort of girl for you.”

Jason’s snort of laughter drew their attention. “Rob gets shot down.”

Dan was watching them intently. Her pulse skittered, and she turned away as Rob, recovered from his initial fluster, resumed the joking around at his friends’ expense.

Later, as Dan steered the boat for shore, Sarah surreptitiously studied him, noting the tiny whiskers on his chin, that pale scar on his jaw, those deep smile lines that made his grin so easy to return. The lake’s cooling breeze ruffled his dark hair. Her heart skipped a beat. What if the plural was Dan?

He glanced over. “Have you had fun, Princess?”

“It’s been great. Thanks for including me.”

“No problem.” He adjusted his sunglasses and grinned at her. “Glad you came.”

* * *

As they wanderedthrough the Canada Day markets in Huntsville, Dan’s mind flicked back to the fishing trip a few days ago. It was funny. Straight after the camp up until that day on the water, Sarah had been aloof, much like the ice princess he’d first known. But since then, she’d come alive with a vivacity she’d only hinted at before.

The fishing expedition seemed to have smoothed the waters between them whilst creating an undercurrent of something else. Expectation? Anticipation? Maybe it had been the feel of her in his arms. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about that these past few days. He exhaled. Thinking too much about that might get him into more trouble. Trouble with a capital S—that was Sarah, for sure…

“This is so cool! Look at all the flags!”

He smiled as Sarah roamed around the markets, eyes wide with excitement as she took it all in. Wandering through the stalls, she picked up one piece of memorabilia then another, a big grin on her face. Then she discovered the stand with maple candy and, of course, had to try some.

“Oh, this is so yummy!”

Jason shook his head. “Don’t you have Australia Day celebrations back home?”

“Yeah, but this is different. I like different.” She looked straight at Dan with a funny smile on her face.

His insides curled. Oh man….
