Page 53 of Muskoka Blue

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They joined the crowd, listening to some official speeches followed by a rousing rendition of the national anthem. Even that gave rise to her excitement.

“Do you do that hand on your heart thing before games?”

He nodded. His uncle had fought in the Middle East; it was a sign of respect.

“Do you sing along or just act cool?”

He didn’t have time to answer, as some little kid turned to look at him.

“Hey, mister, don’t you play for the Leafs?”

All of a sudden, a bunch of kids came up wanting autographs, proof his hat and sunglasses hadn’t exactly worked as disguise. But after an enjoyable morning flying under the radar, it did his ego good to have Sarah impressed by all the fans. Well, he hoped she was impressed.

“So, you really are a bit of a celebrity, then?”

He couldn’t quite decipher the look in her eyes or the tone of voice. It was like she was measuring him for something and wasn’t sure if he fit. She studied him a beat longer before turning to check on the nearby market stalls. His ego swiftly deflated, especially when she soon returned, more interested in the free cake on offer.

“There’s cake!” She leaned close, her voice dropping. “Do you think they give it to just anybody, or do you have to be a genuine Canadian to get some?”

Rob grinned. “I think you’re supposed to know the words of ‘O Canada.’”

Jason laughed. “Go up to the table and try ‘oat’ your best Canadian accent, eh?”

Dan couldn’t resist. “Princess, you’re not just anybody. You’re a somebody. Here, you can have your cake and maybe even eat it too.”

“You’re so funny.”

But the smile his lame joke elicited had the power to make him feel like he was the wittiest man alive.

The blue skies and buzzing crowds continued. While John and Ange had strawberry scones, the rest of them checked out the museum, then enjoyed something from the barbecue while listening to a jazz band. Dan couldn’t help but smile as Sarah mouthed along to the words.

He touched her arm. “You wishing you could be up there?”

“Not at all! I’m having too much fun watching.”

When the band finished their second set, it was time for an agricultural exhibition.

“I can’t believe she’s getting excited by all this.” Rob rolled his eyes at Dan as Sarah raced over to watch the tractor pull, the three men trailing in her wake.

She turned back to flash another smile at them. “I’ve never seen a tractor pull before, so I’m enjoying it, okay?” She turned back to watch the spectacle, her brand-new red Canada baseball cap clashing violently with her hair.

Happiness rose as high as an escapee pink balloon soaring to the heavens. Sarah was so fun to be with. She kept laughing at Rob’s funny comments, chatting with Jason and finding out about his fiancée, and displaying the spunky sass he’d witnessed before. The fact that she coped with these friends gave him hope that she’d adjust to his family, who were visiting later this week, after Rob and Jason had left. Nowthatwould be interesting.

Later, as dusk fell, they settled in at Avery Beach to watch the fireworks. Sarah sat on the red-and-green checked picnic blanket between Ange and himself, loudly slurping gravy as she hurried to finish her roast beef sandwich before the light completely faded.

He nudged her as they waited for the fireworks to begin.

“Your T-shirt looks like you’ve had fun today.” He motioned to the roast beef gravy stain that had joined the cranberry juice and ice-cream spillage from earlier.

“Oh.” Through the dusk he caught the flicker of a smile and her small shrug. She leaned in closer. “You know, you once mentioned you weren’t always a gentleman. I have a confession to make. I know this will surprise you, but”—she leaned closer still and murmured in his ear—“I’m not always a lady.”

He snorted with laughter as the sky exploded with a loud boom.

Dan glanced across. Sparkles of blue and red shimmered against Sarah’s transfixed face. She tilted her head, and the bursts of color continued to play against her throat as her hair tumbled down her shoulders. She laughed and caught his gaze. “Isn’t it pretty?”

Golden raindrops dripped from the sky. He stared at her instead. “Really pretty.”

Sarah wrinkled her nose at him, just like he’d known she would. She leaned back on her hands, her fingers brushing his, sparking a heated shiver across his skin. “Oh, sorry.” She moved slightly away.
