Page 89 of Muskoka Blue

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“Listen, Sar.” He waited until her gaze met his again. “I thought I’d made it clear before, but I’ll say it again. I like you. I like you more than any woman I’ve ever known. You’re interesting, talented, challenging”—a small smile crept onto her face—“and you intrigue me. There are so many layers to you that I just want to spend time with you so I can know you more. I’m not sure what will happen when you go back home, but I definitely want to keep building this—”

Friendship? Relationship? Romance? No. It was time to take things more seriously.

“I want you to come with me to my parents’ next Monday for Thanksgiving. Will you come?”

The thought had only just crossed his mind before he blurted it out. Being with his family for Thanksgiving wasn’t a casual event. Thanksgiving ranked up there with Christmas as far as important family occasions went, and inviting a girlfriend was akin to declaring your engagement. Luke had only invited Marguerite after they were engaged. This was a big deal, and he’d be facing questions.

“Really?” Sarah took her sunglasses off and searched his eyes. “You really want me to come?”

As he nodded, the tension on her face melted away. “That’d be so good.”

He returned her smile. Yeah, this would be a Thanksgiving to remember.

Today had been magical—theperfect Muskoka day. After the morning boat ride, they’d enjoyed a long lunch at Muskoka Shores resort, and the rest of the day had been really relaxing. They’d taken the long way home, puttering into tiny coves, Sarah in a constant wonder of oohs and ahhs as they discovered one perfect scene after another. The afternoon light cast a soft golden glow over the foliage, as if God had put a special camera filter over Muskoka to draw out its beauty even more. Dan glanced down at Sarah. Much like the sunshine brought out hidden hues and ruddy tints in her hair. He twirled a strand around his finger.

She shifted slightly and glanced up, her green eyes sparkling. “You right there?”

He nodded. Yeah, he’d been right for months now. This, being with Sarah, holding her tucked under his arm as he let the boat drift for a while, listening to her musical voice—this hadrightwritten all over it.

After carefully securing the boat for the winter season, they spent the rest of the afternoon mooching about on the deck, talking, laughing, enjoying the mild sunshine, until the late afternoon chill edged around their jackets and Sarah shivered. “I’ll need to go back soon.”

“But first we have a sunset to watch. Want to go inside or down to the dock?”

“The dock, of course.”

They held hands and lay on the warm boards as the sky melded into pink and orange and gold, staying until the darkening sky revealed the first of the evening stars.

Sarah propped herself up on an elbow and gazed down at him. “Today has been fantastic,” she murmured. “I’m so glad you made me come.”

“Imadeyou, did I? I don’t recall you protesting too hard, Princess.”

Her smile stole his breath. After that last kiss, he’d forced himself to hold back, struggling with desires that demanded satisfaction. But she was so lovely, so close, so tempting…

He slowly brushed his thumb down her face, enjoying the smoothness of her skin, then reaching the softness of her lips. “You know, I don’t think I’ve met anyone with quite your coloring, Sar. I think you’ve bewitched me.”

“Are minister’s daughters supposed to do that?”

“This one has.” In the dim twilight he could just make out her deep green eyes as they widened then softened as she leaned her face to within a breath of his.

He tilted his head until he could almost taste her smile. He paused, anticipation tingling through his body, then pressed his mouth to hers. Her soft lips were warm and responsive as her body relaxed against his, her hand sliding up his jaw into his hair. He wrapped an arm around her waist and tugged her closer, his senses heating as their kiss deepened. Oh man. She felt so good, smelled so good, tasted so good…

Some dim awareness of a promise made long ago told him to stop. He ignored it, enjoying the moment and Sarah’s eager response too much. But the stubborn voice kept at him until he could ignore it no longer, and he pulled away with a gasp.

He had to get upright. Now. Before there was any more trouble. He edged away and staggered to stand, heart hammering loudly, before pulling up a confused-looking Sarah. He blew out a frosted breath. “I think I like you a little too much. Kissing you like that—”I just want more.“Sorry, Sar.”

A beat. A heavy-lidded smile. Then, “I’m not very sorry.”

His lips tweaked. Part of him wasn’t either. “It’s getting late. I think I’d better get you home.”

Before the magic of her kisses proved too much temptation.

And before he could lead her astray.

Chapter 21

Sarah sat in the passenger seat, fiddling with the lacy ends of her scarf, nerves pattering through her veins.

Dan glanced across. “So, are you ready for your first Thanksgiving?”
