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She tilts her head and taps her chin, as if thinking. “One more hug.”

“You got it,” I say, giving her a squeeze. “You’re the best mom ever.”

When Dad gets home, we gather at the table for dinner as planned. I can barely get down a morsel as Dad informs me that the rat bastard Rhence is correct. My company is now a subsidiary of his, which means that even though I carry the title as president of my division, ultimately I still answer to the parent company CEO. However, Mom is also correct. Dad made sure that the contract included a generous golden parachute. If I'm let go, I’ll walk away with $10 million. That’s plenty enough to start again. The trick is, I have to get fired. I can’t just quit.

I’ve never been fired from a job in my entire life, but this could be fun.

“I think you’d really like him, darling,” Dad is saying to me. It’s only then I realize I’d been daydreaming. Dad’s pale blue eyes narrow playfully at me. “Earth to Rachel, come in please.”

“Sorry, Dad, who would I really like?”

“A new senior associate at the law firm,” he says with the slight lilt he hasn’t lost since leaving Ireland at only eight years old. “He’ll be over this weekend for the barbeque.”

Oh, please, no. I lean back in my chair and look to Mom for help.

“You’ve got to eventually get back in the saddle,” she says. But then, seeing my face, she relents. “But maybe it’s a little too soon,” she tells Dad. “Let’s deal with one situation at a time.”

Dad shrugs. “I don’t see what it would hurt to meet him. He’ll just be another guest, no pressure there.”

I smile at Dad, always trying to make me happy. “I’ll be there at the barbeque. That’s all I’m promising.”

He beams. “Perfect. That’s all I ask.” When he smiles, I can see the young handsome man he’d been when he met my mom at Harvard. He was studying law and mom was studying medicine. I know they say daughters grow up to marry men like their fathers, but when I was with Rhence, I never really thought he resembled my father. Dad’s hair is a dirty blond, and his eyes are pale blue and always soft with kindness. Rhence’s hair is dark brown, and his eyes are a vibrant green, always sharp and intense. They’re both tall and of slender, fit builds. They’re both attractive men in their own right. But if anything, it was the tender way Rhence treated me back then that reminded me of the way Dad is with Mom. After nearly thirty years of marriage, it’s clear they’re still very much in love with each other.

I thought Rhence and I had found that in each other. I was wrong. Dead wrong.

The next morning, I ensure I make it uptown to Horizon Inc. in time for the mandatory senior staff meeting that Rhence holds regularly. One of the agenda items is my introduction to the rest of his division heads.

I’m quite eager to hear exactly how Rhence will justify acquiring my Investment Banking firm and how it will add value to a software intelligence company. Will they all see through his flimsy charade? The bastard.

When I reach the office, I enter the main lobby and ask the receptionist which way it is to the Yuan Conference room where the staff meeting is to be held. She points me in the right direction and I glance at the clock on the wall. I’m here with five minutes to spare.

Eat it, Rhence.

I enter the conference room to find a couple of staff members are already there chatting away about some sexy new computer code one of them has just written. They finally peel their eyes away to take notice of my arrival.

“Hey,” says the shorter, stout one who’d just been salivating over the new code. “You must be Rachel Bradly.” He walks over and extends his hand. “Rob Sanders.”

“Hi, nice to meet you,” I say, shaking it. The other one approaches with extended hand.

“Hi, I’m Jim, head of distribution and logistics.”

“Ah…wow, nice to meet you.” We all turn as the rest of the team members enter.

Each in turn, introduces themselves and takes a seat. It’s 9 a.m. on the dot when Rhence enters accompanied by another man who could have passed for Brad Pitt’s younger brother. Like Rhence, his hair is a bit long for what’s typically considered acceptable for business dress etiquette. He takes a look at me, his eyes widen appreciably and then he smirks at Rhence.

Great, so, Rhence has given him the lowdown on our history. I can just hear the unspoken message that passed between the two of them -- so this is that chick you brutally dumped in high school after indelibly stamping that v-card. Mental high-five!

I’d like to slap that smug look off both their faces. Instead, I paste on a smile as he approaches.

“Hello Rachel, I’m Parker Hansen,” he says with a mischievous grin and firm handshake.

“Nice to meet you, Parker,” I say to the CFO of Horizon Inc. Rhence’s right hand man per all the social media intel I gathered.

“Rachel,” Rhence says with a decidedly friendly smile like he has to play nice in front of his staff. “Good to see you here.” Damn if he doesn’t look good enough to eat. Those entrancing eyes lock with mine, challenging me and yet drawing me in.

“Happy to be here, Rhence,” I reply evenly.

“Alright, let’s get started,” Rhence says, and everyone obediently finds their seats.

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