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I slip into a chair about two down from Rhence. I tug down the skirt of the fierce Armani suit I’m wearing. I do feel a bit overdressed in a room full of blue jeans and t-shirts, with the occasional dress shirt and chinos like Rhence’s ensemble. If anything, the contrast should make the acquisition of my company look even more incongruent with their business model.

Rhence opens his laptop and taps the keys in a flurry of fingers. “Okay first item of business.” He turns and gestures at me. “I’d like to introduce you all to the latest member of the executive team, Rachel Bradly.”

They all nod, wave or murmur a word of greeting. I reciprocate in kind.

“We’re very glad to have Rachel join our team here at Horizon. You’ve all read her bio so you know she’s a Harvard grad who started her own investment banking firm and has been good enough to join our company. Our R&D division looks forward to collaborating with Rachel to best determine how our cutting-edge software can best service the Financial Services market. By building custom tools for Rachel’s division, we’ll be able to see our products in real world environments before formally introducing them on the market.”

He gives me a shit- eating grin and says, “Rachel, would you like to say a few words to the team?”

Did he know I was waiting for him to fumble this one? Why the stupid grin?

“Hi all,” I say with a little wave. “I’m really excited to be part of the team and really look forward to the collaboration. I’m sure we’ll do great things together.” Or rather the raiding of my company so your boss can give it to his new girlfriend. I’m miffed now. It’s time to start operation, let’s get me fired.

I chuckle self-deprecatingly and place a hand to my chest. “I don’t know if Rhence has told everyone, but we knew each other back in high school.”

Rhence’s eyes narrow a fraction, but he looks truly curious as to what I’m about to say next.

“Rhence used to be my computer science tutor and I in return tutored him in all the other things.” Suddenly it felt as if the temperature in the room dropped and nearly everyone’s gaze found its way to anywhere but me. I quickly clarify, “I tutored him in English Lit, Social Studies and World History.” You could hear the collective sigh in the room and the eyes resettle on me. I glance at Rhence whose face is flush but looks mildly amused. I grab the shovel and keep digging my way out. “So, I guess I knew the potential was there, but who would have guessed he’d go so far? Congratulations, Rhence. I’m thrilled to be part of the team.”

“Excellent. All right, next item on the agenda. Financials,” he turns to Parker. “The floors all yours.”

I shoot Rhence a look that says, live in fear about what I might let slip in front of your staff. Just wait until your new girlfriend gets here, then we’ll have some really interesting conversations, compare notes and all. You won’t be able to get me out of here fast enough.

I’m stunned by the sharp pang of jealousy that jolts me. Who am I kidding? I don’t want to share my memories of loving Rhence with his new girlfriend. Those are my precious memories. Rhence and I had both been virgins that night, making it all the more memorable and meaningful for both of us. No matter what happened from that point onward, we’d always be each other’s first. I thought we’d be together forever…a profound sadness fills me.

Strange that the ghost of what we were inhabits the room, fills the space until nothing else remains.

When I look up at Rhence, he’s staring right back and it’s as if there is no one else in the room. Something inside of me breaks inside at the tortured look in his eyes. I swear, it’s as if he’s pleading with me, wanting something of me I’m powerless to give.

“Any questions?” Parker asks, shattering the trance.

“Uh, no, as expected profits are up 2% this quarter despite rising costs. Great work all,” Rhence said recovering nicely. “Let’s go round the table for key updates.”

Jim from distribution jumps right in.

I feel another set of eyes on me. I glance up to find a not so kindly set of blue eyes looking back. Why’s Parker looking at me like I kicked his puppy? I look away wondering what the hell Rhence could’ve said to justify that look. Rhence hurt me, not the other way around.

I’m the injured party, I want to declare to him. Or maybe he didn’t care for my little high school reference. What? Is it all business with this guy?

I endured the next twenty-two minutes without making any more enemies. The meeting wrapped up and we all filed out the door.

Rhence lingers around the entrance until I pass and then he falls in step with me. Surprised, I turn to look at him, hiking a brow in the universal what’s up gesture. He hitches his head to the side, urging me to follow him. I chuckle, we used to do this in the halls of our high school.

We’re both wearing goofy grins when we step into a smaller conference room.

“Hey, I just wanted to mention this, I should have done it earlier,” Rhence shrugs, “but anyway. Let’s agree to keep the nature of our high school relationship private. I don’t want anyone to think I’m showing favoritism or bias of any stripe. You understand?”

My smile stretches further because now I know the perfect way to get myself fired. “Sure, sure, no worries.” I make the zipper motion across my lips. But then I unzip it. “So, are you telling me your buddy, Parker, doesn’t know about us – I mean our history?” I say mentally kicking myself.

His mouth twitches guiltily, like he’s trying to suppress some ugly truth. “That’s different, I’ve known Parker since my freshman year at college. Over the years, I’ve shared stuff.”

I roll my eyes. “Nice.”

“Nothing,” he glanced around and lowered his voice. “Nothing private. Just general stuff, like we dated and—”

Rhence’s admin popped her head in the door. “Sorry, Rhence, but the London office is trying to reach you.” She pointed to his cell in his pocket. “You might want to check your messages.”

“Oh, great thanks,” Rhence says, fishing his phone out of his pocket. “I’ve gotta go.” When he slips out of the room, it’s like someone let the air out of a balloon. I feel deflated and frustrated. What was he going to say? What’s his version of how things went down ten years ago?
