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“I proposed to you once in high school.” He lowers his eyes and shakes his head. “I’m almost embarrassed about that now, how pathetic I must have looked in your eyes.” He puts a silencing finger to my lips when I start to object. “I fought so hard to get to this moment, where I could kneel before the love of my life and offer her everything that I am and more.”

My eyes well with unshed tears as I see his glisten.

“I’ve dreamt of this day for so long, it’s the only thing that got me through the darkest nights. I dreamt of our wedding day, the children we’d have, the happy family we’d raise. I want it all, and I want to give it all to you, Rachel Bradly. Everything I’ve ever done or achieved, I’ve done it for you.”

The tears stream down my face.

“Will you please do me the great honor of becoming my wife?”

A single tear rolls down his cheek, and I leap into his arms. “Yes, yes, yes, Rhence. I’ll marry you!” I pelt his face with a dozen affectionate kisses.

Out of nowhere, the waitstaff appear and surround us with applause and champagne. It’s the happiest, most glorious moment of my life.

When we return to our luxurious Louis XIV suite after dinner, I leave no doubt in my fiancé’s mind about how much I love and adore every inch of him. Not a single piece of furniture in that room escapes horrible abuse in the midst of our passion. We make love as if the world were ending and this was the last night we’ll ever have together.

This morning, though, I wake to an empty bed. I figure Rhence must be in the bathroom until I roll over and see an ornate envelope lying on the pillow next to me.

That’s odd. Maybe he had to run out on unexpected business.

I yawn lazily as I open the letter, more concerned with which delicious menu item to order up for breakfast.

“Dear Rachel,

It may have taken me ten years, but I finally get to deliver the same devastating blow to you as you delivered to me when you went away to Europe that summer. I’m breaking up with you. Let me list the reasons for you below:

I’m the successful owner of a multi-billion-dollar company, and you’re the failed owner of a company I had to rescue from the dust bin.

Being in my position, I want a woman at my side who fits the stereotypical trophy wife mold. Yeah, you’re smokin’ hot by any man’s standards, but I’m thinking this time around, I go with more of a Scandinavian model type.

I’m a down-to-earth kind of guy who, despite my enormous wealth, just wants someone to love and spend my life with. You are a money-grubbing, gold-digging whore who couldn’t be bothered with me until I made my fortune.

Your parents love me now, but my mother still hates you and thinks I could do way better than you.

I hope you don’t think that I’m a heartless bastard for doing this, but I needed closure after the shit you pulled on me ten years ago, and this was the only way I knew how to get it. Tell Helen and Richard I’m sorry, but that’s what they get for raising a cold, heartless, prima donna bitch.

By the way, you’re fired. The golden parachute stands, so you won’t be left destitute. Take the funds and start new somewhere else. Just stay the hell out of my life. Security has already been instructed to deny you entry into the building, so don’t even think about trying to reach me there.

I’ve left you a coach ticket for a return flight home. By the time you read this, I’ll already be halfway across the Atlantic on the way back to my charmed life.

It’s been fun, Rache. You’re hot as fuck and definitely one of the best lays I ever had, but I’ve got to think of my future, and you’re simply not a part of it.

Now kindly fuck off,


Chapter eighteen


Myheartpoundswildlyas I cross the Atlantic in the private jet and wait for Parker to answer his phone. I know it’s only 3 a.m. there, but I’m going out of my head and I need to talk so someone.

After four rings, I finally hear his groggy voice. “Rhence? Jesus, what time is it?”

“I did it! I can’t believe I fucking did it. I beat Rachel Bradly at her own game. Brought the spoiled, entitled prima donna to her knees!”

“Oh boy,” Parker said groggily. “Hold on.” I hear him flush the toilet and turn on the sink.

“I executed the plan flawlessly. I proposed to her at the Palace de Versailles.” I force a laugh. “She’ll never think of that place the same way again. Anyway, I proposed, even managed to squeeze out a tear as I told her that everything that I ever achieved in life was for her.”

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