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“Brutal, man.”

“Then I took her back to the suite and fucked the hell out of her, knowing it would be the last time and all. Then, I left her with that nasty little note. It wasmagnificent.”

He coughs. “Yeah, that’s great. So, this means she’s finally out of your system and you can let this vendetta go, right?”

“Totally. This chapter in my life is officially closed. Good-bye, Rachel Bradly, payback is a bitch.”

Parker yawns into the receiver. “All right, sounds like everything worked out. What time does your flight get in? Do you need a ride?”

I’m a little let down by Parker’s lack of enthusiasm. I was counting on a boost from him. “I land at 8:10 a.m. your time.”

“No worries, dude, I’ll be there,” he says, accompanied by another yawn. Then I hear a woman’s voice in the background telling him to come back to bed.

“I’m guessing that’s Eliza?”

“Yep.” He lowers his voice. “We’ll talk when I pick you up, all right?”

“Yeah, cool. Talk to you then.” There in the silence, that’s when the gravity of what I’ve done fully hits me.

I’m a fucking monster.

Nobody deserved what I did to Rachel. At absolute worst, she was only an impressionable 17-year-old girl when she wrote her letter. Maybe she truly did regret all the cruel things she said. Maybe we really did have a shot at happiness and I just ruined it.

“No,” I chastise myself. She never apologized for her letter, in fact she taunted me about it. That’s what finally put me over the edge. Rachel only pretends to be this caring, vivacious, passionate person when it suits her needs.

I did the right thing by purging that cold-hearted bitch from my system.

So why am I still sitting here obsessing over her? I check my watch. It’s 9 a.m. in Paris. No doubt she’s up and has read the letter multiple times by now. I check my phone. She should be blowing it up with nasty messages full of indignation and rage, and saying how her daddy will sue me and Helen will hunt me down to eviscerate me.

There’s nothing. Not one single call or text from her. What gives? Did her battery die? Is she still in shock, or has she moved onto denial? Will she fly home and try to see me at my home or the office?

What are you thinking, Rachel Bradly?

Three hours later, the plane touches down. True to his word, Parker’s there waiting in his cobalt-blue, convertible Jag F-Type.

“Hey, buddy,” he says, as we slap hands and bump shoulders in greeting. He grabs my bags and tosses them into the small trunk. “So, big man, you did it.” He slides into the driver’s seat. “You should be feeling like king for the day, and yet…” he glances at me as he puts the car in drive, “you look like shit. What’s your problem?”

I squeeze my eyes shut. All of these thoughts have been swimming around in my head the last three hours. “I don’t know. I should be celebrating, hitting the town with you and some hot babes you wrangle. But I… I don’t know. I feel like a fucking asshole.”

He sighs heavily. “I told you this might happen. You don’t have that killer instinct, not when it comes to women anyway. I warned you that even if your diabolical little plan worked, you wouldn’t come away unscathed.”

I roll my eyes. “Thanks, that helps.”

He laughs. “Focus on the fact that the bitch deserved it. You’re too much of a nice guy to sit back and enjoy the spoils of your sweet revenge. But give it some time, bro. And at absolute worse, Rachel walks away with ten million.”

I nod halfheartedly.

“Look, she’ll lick her wounds for a few days, declare you an unmitigated asshole to everyone who’ll listen. But deep inside, she knows perfectly well that she gotexactlywhat she deserves. She’ll get the fuck over it and be fine.” He looks at me. “Let it go, Rhence. It’s over.”

“You’re right,” I concede. “But I don’t feel like going home.” There are so many memories of Rachel at my place that I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to go home again. “Drop me off at the office. I’ve got a ton of work to catch up on.”

“You’re the boss.”


Three weeks go by without a peep from Rachel Bradly. Her phone indicates that she did safely return to Charlotte, but she doesn’t seem to have moved much from that location. According to her admin, Rachel never returned to the office to collect her things. Is she burrowing in at her apartment, still licking her wounds, refusing to venture out?

Why the hell do I care? She’s out of my life. I have a business to run.
