Page 36 of The Distinct

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“It feels too good. I feel like I’m falling apart.” I breathed out on a moan and it was the truth. Every nerve ending in my body was firing, my skin heating from the inside out.

As the three men continued to play my body like their own personal instrument, I felt my orgasm approaching, crashing towards me like the waves on the shore. My thighs tightened beneath Eli’s hands, his mouth devouring my pussy. Wilder’s fangs deepened further into my skin, my head tilting to the side and giving him more access. Madden rolled my nipple between his fingers, sucking on the other, and my eyes met Knox’s above me as I screamed out in ecstasy.

Several moments later, my body finally calmed, the three men pulling away from my body with satisfied smirks. But I knew this wasn’t over yet. I needed to feel them inside of me, all of them, satisfying the physical connection I craved.

Taking the control from Knox for just a minute, I addressed the four men in the room, needing to even this playing field.

“I want you all naked. Now.” My voice was hoarse from my screams, barely recognizable to myself, but it was a reminder of the pleasure I had just experienced.

All four men didn’t hesitate at my words, standing from the bed and stripping bare within seconds. My eyes didn’t know where to land, taking in the unreal men before me. Each of their cocks were thick and throbbing, aroused from watching me come apart beneath them.

Sitting up from the bed, I scooted towards the edge, grabbing the first man I could reach. Madden’s thigh was thick and strong beneath my fingers, his muscles flexing. Stepping forward, Madden rolled me onto my stomach, on top of his large frame.

Motioning behind me, I felt another body at my back, and when I felt the nip at my skin, I knew it was Wilder. Madden reached between our bodies, running his cock through the wetness dripping down my thighs. With how slick I was, his cock slipped easily inside, causing me to moan as he filled me to the hilt. After several slow thrusts, he paused, allowing Wilder to line up at my back. Gently, I felt him ease inside of me, stretching me until he bottomed out, both men filling me up. As they started to move in a rhythm, Knox and Eli strode forward, fulfilling my wish to all be together.

Knox captured my lips with his, his tongue thrusting inside in tandem with Madden and Wilder’s bodies. His mouth caressed mine sensually, controlling my head as he tugged on my curls. Eli laid on his back next to Madden, reaching between our bodies until he found my clit, his knuckles rubbing against my skin and Madden’s with each movement.

As the two men continued to thrust inside of me, Eli circling my clit, and Knox claiming my mouth, I couldn’t contain the sighs and moans slipping from my lips and into his. I hadn’t known this kind of bliss existed and yet here I was in the midst of it all.

My body continued to build towards a crescendo and as Madden and Wilder’s hips started moving faster, I knew they were close. Pulling my mouth from Knox’s, I called out.

“Fuck, I’m going to come.”

Knox gripped my chin in his palm, forcing my eyes to his and I knew what he wanted. He wanted to stare into my eyes as I fell apart once more. My pussy began convulsing around Madden’s cock and within moments, I felt my thighs drench, Madden’s cum mixing with mine. His loud groan tickled my ear as he came, Wilder thrusting several more times before he cursed, spilling into me as well.

Once both men were finished, they pulled out, my body feeling their loss. Madden rolled me onto my back, his chest pressing up into me, as my breaths came out in spurts. Eli cupped my cheek, his finger rubbing against my skin.

“Do you want more?” He whispered; his blue eyes dark with want.

“I want you all.” I told him, my body ready.

Sliding out from underneath me, Madden moved to my side, laying me flat on my back. Before I could reach for the others, Eli slid his body over mine, sinking deep inside of me without pause. My head fell back against the mattress, and then Knox was kneeling above my face, his cock throbbing before me. Opening my mouth, I took his length inside my throat, gripping the base of his cock in my hand. Wilder crawled onto the bed, his mouth wrapping around my breast, his fangs sinking into my flesh. Blood smeared along my pale skin, the sight erotic. Madden’s mouth found my neck, his palm finding my other breast.

Knox started driving into my mouth, Eli moving in and out of my pussy. The feeling of fullness came over me once again, the four men devouring me as if I was their last meal. I had never felt more treasured than I did in this moment.

I felt a fist curl into my hair, Knox moving my head faster as he reached his end. I felt Eli begin to move faster as well and I knew that they were both about to come. As if reading their bodies, Wilder and Madden began to move their mouths faster, bringing me towards my third orgasm.

Clenching my eyes shut, too much pleasure in too short of a time, my orgasm spiraled through my body, my two other men following along with me. Eli shouted my name as he came, Knox moaning loud. Our sounds of pleasure echoed through the room, the only sounds I wanted to hear for the rest of my life.

The five of us settled minutes later, our naked bodies sticking to each other. The bed wasn’t large, but I didn’t want any of them to leave. I wanted the emotional connection as much as the physical. Thankfully, it seemed my men felt the same, none of them getting up to leave.

Knox stood up from the bed, the others following, before he scooped me into his arms. Wilder pulled the covers back on the bed, allowing Knox to tuck me against my pillows. Madden climbed in at my side, pulling me onto his chest. Eli settled on my other side, the heat from his body warming me. Wilder and Knox climbed in next, their bodies closing us in tight. I had never felt so comforted, so safe.

“I love you all. Thank you for showing me what it means to be cherished.” I whispered and each man returned the sentiment, their words ringing with the truth.

Slowly, my eyes began to close, sleep pulling me under, my body exhausted. And for the first time in years, I dreamt of my future, and all the happiness it would bring.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


Six months passed in a blur after we defeated the Darkness. A full year since Madden had plucked me off the streets of New York City and brought me into the world of the Divines, although it seemed like a lifetime ago. In the past months, we had all been busy rebuilding Agrum Di Vinum. We had run into some struggles throughout the process, but I was proud to say that our community was thriving.

Everyone had their own home, several neighborhoods popping up throughout the land. The hospital was up and running and I had cried on the opening day when it had been dedicated in my mother’s name. Her passion had been to heal people and now that passion would forever be memorialized. Eli had helped build the school and now Gunther ran it. I couldn’t think of a better man to help train the future of the Divines.

And my four men and I had taken up residence in the castle, opening our doors to whoever needed us. Every day, we met with members of the community, listening to their wants and needs and adding them to the ever-growing agenda. I knew that we still had decades ahead of us before Agrum Di Vinum was flourishing, but I also knew that we would get there. For the first time in centuries, the Divines finally knew peace once more.

“Are you almost ready?” Kalani called and I stepped out of the bathroom, letting her take in my look.
