Page 40 of The Distinct

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“Make a wish daddy!” Gracie screamed as the song finished and I closed my eyes, wondering what else I could wish for. I had everything I could ever want right here in this room. With that thought, I closed my eyes, blowing out the candles, wishing that this happiness would never fade.


I watched from the shore as my family splashed in the waves. My four babies were all growing up now, the youngest already thirteen soon. The played in the lake, their dads tossing a frisbee back and forth with them. I had been blessed with two girls and two boys, each of them taking after all of their father’s personalities.

We had decided to take a small vacation this week, celebrating twenty years of eradicating the Darkness and taking over as the rulers of Agrum Di Vinum. Each of our families were here as well, including Kalani and Maeve who had two little girls of their own.

Thinking back over the last twenty years of my life, I woke up grateful each day. The day I had lost my mom, I thought that was the end for me. I never thought I would find happiness again. And yet, I find something new to be happy about every day.

“Harley, don’t splash your sister in the face!” Kalani called out before taking a seat next to me.

Our friendship hadn’t changed a bit over the years. We still had our girl time, goofing around like we once did in my dorm. And I always was able to relive those times, the memories covering my own photo wall in the castle.

“We have quite the life, don’t we?” Kalani asked me with a wistful sigh, her own gaze on her family and I found mine straying to mine yet again.

We did have quite the life. And I knew that it was all thanks to my mother’s sacrifice. Without her selfless love, I wouldn’t have found my own endless love. And as the laughter floated through the air, dozens of people celebrating with us, I knew I had one truth to hold onto forever.

I would never be alone.
