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“Yeah, you do. Now, let me get back to work so I can make sure you have a fabulous picnic dinner to eat, along with Marissa’s chocolate cake.”

“Oh, no, we can’t forget the cake.” I chuckle as she unwraps her arms from around my waist before turning on her heels and heading back into the kitchen.

“Someone seems happy,” Nolan says, slapping me hard on the back.

“Fuck yeah. I finally snagged a date with my girl.” I smile, checking my watch for the time.

There are only a few more hours until it’s time to meet my girl.

Yeah, my girl. Two words I never thought I’d say to describe Marissa Flores. Marissa is mine in almost every way possible. Now I just have to sell her on the idea. Feeling like a schoolboy getting ready for his first date, I head toward the back of the bar and up the stairs to my temporary apartment.



“How’s my favorite deputy doing today?” Peyton chirps as she enters my office at the station, carrying a large tray of cookies. “Please tell me those aren’t for me.” I groan, rubbing my overly full stomach.

Finn has been sending me lunch and notes every day during my shifts, but now he sends me texts. And I have to admit, he’s slowly wearing me down. I’ve started looking forward to his text messages and notes. I long to hear his voice right before I go to sleep at night. I want to give him my heart to trust that he’ll take it and cherish it from now until eternity, but something is holding me back.

That annoying voice in the back of my head is telling me to remain on guard, that he isn’t staying, just like everyone else in my life. Their longing to leave Magnolia is stronger than their feelings for you.

“They aren’t for you,” Peyton deadpans, bringing me back to the present. “So why did you text me911a few minutes before dinner time, when I’m the busiest?”

“I need you.”

“Oookay… I love to be needed, but I need some more specifics.”

“I need your help,” I say sarcastically as I push back from my desk and stroll toward her.

“Aww. Are you missing a certain someone?” She grips the top of the chair and braces herself before slowly lowering the tray of cookies onto my desk.

“I thought those weren’t for me.”

“They aren’t, but there’s no way I can continue to hold this tray while I work on prying the reason for your emergency text message out of you.”

“I’m not that bad.”

“Yes, you are. Now, tell me what’s going on.” Peyton leans back in the chair, crossing her arms.

“I agreed to go on a date with my friend, and I’m panicking. I don’t want to take the chance that I’ll text him and cancel, so I need someone to sit here and babysit me.”

“Well, yay! I’m so glad you finally took the plunge, but there’s no reason for you to be freaking out.”

“There are plenty of reasons to be freaking out. Least of all, I haven’t been on a real date since I was with Campbell. What if I forget what I’m doing or if I suck at it or… I don’t know… Anything else that could make things go epically wrong?” I respond, glancing out the window.

“Hold on, let me savor this moment.” She smirks. “I’ve never seen you this frazzled, ever. This man might be the one, based on how you’re acting. When are you going to put me out of my misery and tell me your mystery man’s name? If I knew who he was, it would be a lot easier for me to help.”

My body tenses with anticipation at the mere mention of his name. My cheeks heat from embarrassment as I quickly stand and head for the opposite side of the room.

“So you can stalk him until he breaks up with me?” I fidget with my hands, nervously glancing at the door.

“That was one time!” she shouts before slamming her hands over her mouth, causing me to laugh loudly. “And I saved you from a lot of heartache. He was dating three other girls at the same time.”

She huffs, reminding me of the one and only time I’ve tried to date since Campbell broke up with me. The captain of the football team asked me to go to the movies, and I agreed, but Peyton’s spidey senses were tingling. She went to our meeting spot two hours before we were supposed to meet and waited. She caught my date with another girl, and they looked like they were more than friends. Peyton texted me a picture of them making out in front of the theater, and I immediately texted him to tell him to fuck all the way off.

“Is that what you’re afraid of? Do you think you’re going to get played?” She tilts her head to the side, eyeing me inquisitively. “Or is there something else going on?”

“Nothing is going on. I’m just nervous is all.”
