Page 126 of Luxe

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Relief comes when I remember that I had chosen to be driven, I don't think I'm really in any condition to drive.

And when I'm escorted back up to Kylian's apartment, I sit in the dark, thinking about what my dad had said and if he really understood what it means. And why me choosing not to work at Yin Tech is the best decisions for all of us, even if Nathan and he don't know why.



Kiara and I spend a perfect week together. Idyllic, as we pretend to be a normal couple, instead of one of us being a billionaire, the other a daughter of a billionaire, who runs an agency with prop players for poker game rooms.

She and I spend more time talking than anything else, and every day, I feel like I understand her a little more.

And she understands me more.

Sometimes she comes with me to the office, to get out of the house, while she is still safe. I set up a desk for her in my office, and sometimes all I do for minutes at a time is sit and watch her.

Then we go home together, stopping by a grocery store, to make dinner at home, after which we fall asleep together.

It all happens and fits so naturally together, that for a moment, I forget that we’re on borrowed time.

And when all the secrets that we’ve kept come back to haunt us, no one is more surprised than us.

I wake up late on Monday morning, jumping in the shower and pressing the in-shower screen to find that I have over forty-three texts and twelve voice mails. Someone was really trying to get in touch with me. I ignore them, I'll check when I’m out of my shower. Instead, I press on the news screen and pump some shampoo into my hand as the speakers crackle before audio streams out of them.

"Blond billionaire bachelor Kylian Baxter was seen outside a strip club in Wan Chai with a prostitute. Based on these pictures, it's hard to see if he was just hiring her for the night, or if he's in a relationship with her."


Mid lather, I stare at the screen to see pictures of Kiara and I standing outside the club the other night. She's wearing the torn dress with her back almost entirely exposed.

One picture shows me handing her the envelope with Frank's report in it. Another shows me hugging her and then holding her face in my hands and kissing her. She's hugging me back, her arms tight around my back. There's no doubt who the people in the picture are.

What the fuck.

I’m listening to the rest of the news report when my phone rings. I answer it, dread curdling in the bottom of my stomach, making me sick.

"I thought you were fucking dead!" Matthias yells at me.

"Let me guess, you've seen the news."

My brother lets out a low whistle. "Yeah, everyone has seen it. When did you hear about it?"

"Fifteen seconds ago." I say, still in shock.

The scalding hot water feels like ice against my skin as I rinse the shampoo out of my hair, I need to get out of this damn shower and figure out what the fuck is going on.

And tell Kiara.


I have to tell Kiara.

She has to hear about it from me.

"Wait, are you in the shower?" my brother interrupts my thoughts with the inanest question ever.

"Shut up. What do you know about this?"

I turn the water off and quickly dry off, trying to work out a script in my head of how I'm going to tell Kiara about this. I have no answers for her; I don't even have them for myself.

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