Page 145 of Luxe

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Kylian winks and we go back to our room, promising to have lunch with them tomorrow.

"I love her."

"Told ya,” he says for the second time in two minutes.

I dump the contents of the bag onto the bed, sorting everything into different piles. Clothes, hair products, lotion...

Kylian jumps on the bed, watching me, his legs crossed at the ankles. “Are you up for going out tonight? I have plans, if you feel like it.”

I do. I need this distration. "Where are we going?"

"No questions."

"No questions? That’s what our entire relationship is built on."

"Then let’s find something else for us to occupy our time," he suggests, eyes twinkling.

“But what am I going to wear?”

“I’ll think of something.”



At 11 p.m. on the dot I wait at the front door for Kiara to meet me. She appears a few seconds later, in a black dress that resembles the one we had to ruin for her to get into Illumination. Her smile makes it all the running around looking for one worth it.

"It is wrong to say I feel like a princess? Like a hot princess.”

"Who would fight me if I agreed?”

“Nathan.” She says it as a reflex, a joke. But neither of us are prepared for the casual mention of her brother's name.

In her sleep this afternoon, she'd cried in her sleep, and even when I'd pulled her close, stroking her hair, she kept murmuring her brother’s name in a way that tore my heart into a million pieces. I didn’t know what was going to happen with him and I, but everything had to be done to repair his relationships with her.

I smile through the pain and hold my hand out to her. She takes it and gives it a little squeeze.

“Let’s do,” I say, trying to get past the moment.

"Have fun, guys!" My-Linh shouts, poking her head around the corner to see us off.

Kiara giggles as she gives her new bestie a wave as I walk her out to the car waiting at the curb.

"Ready," I say to the driver before I draw the partition shut.

"Where are we going?"

"You have a lot of questions for someone who said ‘no questions.’"

"You said that."

"Oh right. We should listen to me."

"No! Tell me.”

“You'll see soon. Promise."

She snuggles up next to me as we watch the city zoom by. I wonder if she can hear my heart thumping in anticipation of where I’m taking her.
