Page 147 of Luxe

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"Burn it."


"I said, burn it. This... hell hole that has been the location of all my demons. All my regrets. All the things I should've just said yes to and taken the risk. And you said it best, lets scald it off the face of this earth."

He’s perfectly crazy. Crazy and perfect.

"Burn it, angel. Burn it to the fucking ground,” he yells.

I only just notice the faint scent of gas. He prepared this, he planned this. This is a gift to me. An insane, perfect, personal, epic gift.

I click the lighter, but nothing happens.

"Again, sometimes it sticks."

A small flicker of doubt plays with the edges of my excitement. "Doesn't this belong to someone?"

"It belongs to you. I bought it. In your name. To burn it down and rebuild. "

This time the lighter catches alight, and I launch it towards the door of the club. We watch it, and everything moves in slow motion. The little flame burns, a tiny little flicker of yellow, and then it erupts into a giant fireball that bathes the entire building in flames.

An then it burns.

It rages blue and orange, consuming the inside and all the ghosts within.

It's exhilarating, the heat against my face, watching the past disintegrate into ashes.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

We watch for a few more minutes, then one of the firefighters waves to Kylian and he nods to them.

He touches the small of my back and leads my back to the car. "Let’s go."


“Making up for lost time.”



It's funny how much of our time, how much of the progress of our relationship happens in the car. Something about it is so poetic, like we're always moving, never standing still. Always going somewhere, or leaving something behind.

The burning of the club healed something inside me, a cancer that kept threatening to mutate and take over my whole body. But now, like a chemo treatment, it was reduced to nothing but ashes. And I feel weight is lifting from me.

I take her dancing, to make up for all the years she said she didn’t want to dance. And it’s fitting, we both feel so light on our feet, and each time I twirl her back into me, we fall into each other a little more. Until it feels like even a sliver of light would not be able to fit between her soul and mind.

I don't know where we're going from here, but now it feels like a clean slate.

I pull into the driveway of the property and lean over and meet her lips in a kiss.

"Thanks for a wonderful evening,” she says to me. The oddly formal way she says it feels perfect for the night we’ve had.

"You mean grand arson?”

“Exactly, at least, I can say that no one else has ever burned down a building for me before."
