Page 43 of Luxe

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“I think I might be playing here more than my employees.”

He throws his head back and laughs. “You have a standing invitation. Let me know if you need a line of credit. I know Nathan’s good for it.” He takes a beat and then asks, "So... are you in?" with more insecurity in his voice than I have ever heard.

I'm hesitant to give him his answer yet. "Is there somewhere we can go and talk?"

Five minutes later, we're standing in a room on the highest level that overlooks the entire main game room floor. It’s still mostly undecorated and unfurnished, but the potential is clear.

"This will be my private salon. Not for entertaining. We have a similar room on the other side. Just me and family.”

“Not an office?" I tease him.

He smiles. "I don't intend to be doing too much of the daily running of this place. I'd only screw something up! Accidentally set the roulette machine to always come up black or something."

I settle on a leather couch and he takes a chair facing me. My eyes avoid his for a while as he stares at me waiting for me to speak. Why is he so unnerving?

My throat croaks the first time I open to speak, so I try again. "If we're going to do this, we need some clear terms."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Firstly, I need you to sign a six-month retainer. If you pull out, you pay the remaining amount in a lump sum, with the minimum of two months payout. I can't play around with this. These women deserve stability.” I place a folder on the table and push it across to him. “Here's the contract starting with five prop players, and then the fee for each subsequent player you keep on retainer. If you want to start the retainer for ten prop players, I can give you a better deal."

He slides the piece of paper across the table but doesn't bother looking at it before he answers. "Is this what your deal is with your current contracts?"

"It's 6% more. The main reason is because we are trying to spend more on their accommodation, security and training. I can negotiate if you want."

"Nope. Sounds good. What other terms?"

I frown. Is he playing? "Aren't you going to look at it?"

"Do I need to? Is it in fact 500% more than your current contacts?"

"No. I wouldn't do that."

He tilts his head to one side and studies me for a moment. "I know. So, no, I won't look at it. My lawyer will draw up the contracts, and we'll both look them over before we sign, okay? So, like I said, what's next?"

I eye him for a moment before I move on. "I need security for the girls. A lot of them have come out of very dangerous situations that continue to be dangerous for them."

"You'll have security here. They will meet the women at their cars in the staff car park and will be walked back out when they're done. Or do you need more?"

I don't answer, when it comes to the security of my employees, I need to know that nothing is being spared.

“Do you want an escort for them to and from their residence?”

I’m too scared to say yes, but I can’t even quantify how much that will put all of our minds at ease.

“Done. I’ll add that to the contract.”

“Kylian, that’s tens of thousands of dollars.”

He smirks. “Much, much more. We hire and train our own security here. It’s not cheap. And that’s the only way I know that you’ll all be taken care of. Do you trust my security?”

I can feel his eyes on me while I think and before I can speak again, he pulls a device out of his pocket and presses a button on it.

Less than five seconds later, there's a knock on the door, then it opens before Kylian can answer, and a man-beast with a neck the size of a Sequoia tree trunk comes in, eyes sharp, assessing the situation.

He sees Kylian and freezes, as if waiting to be addressed.

"Oh, hello, Frank. This is Kiara Yin. She and her employees will be working here when we open. As prop players."
