Page 60 of Luxe

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My executive assistant squirms and that’s never a good sign. Usually she takes no shits and is unapologetic in everything she does. Unless she’s fucked something up that she knows I’m going to be pissed about. "Er... yeah. I thought she was like... some floozy you'd picked up..."

Worry sparks in my stomach. "Okay... and what did you say to her?"

Odette bites her lip. Something I see her do once every leap year. "Yeah. It's not what I said... so much as how I said it."

"Did you tell her you're my assistant?"

"She didn’t ask! Anyway she... she left. Like two minutes ago."


"What? I was protecting you."

"From what, exactly?"

"Floozies!" She throws her hands up into the air. “Duh!”

"Fucking hell! When have I ever brought a ‘floozy’ home?"

She shakes a finger in my face. "Hey! You used to bring them over all the time. And I’d have to kick them out after you went to work. Granted, you haven’t done that in ages. Like five years…” her voice trails off as she realizes what she’s done.



"You're fired."

I dash out of my kitchen, without my key, wallet, shoes. Nothing but the fear weighing like an anchor in the pit of my stomach.

The lobby is empty when I get there.

She couldn't have gone far.

I frantically flag down the doorman. "Did you see Miss Kiara, the woman from yesterday, leaving? She's driving my Jag.”

"Yes, sir. But she didn’t take your car, she jumped into a taxi a few minutes ago."

"Get my car!" I yell as I ran out into the street with nothing but my track pants.

“Which one, sir?”

“Any car! Just hurry!”

She's not there.

"Kiara!" I yell.

But there's no answer.

And for the second time in my life, I wonder if I've lost her forever.

I drive like a mad man to her apartment hoping that I’ll find her there. If not, I'll tear this fucking country to pieces to find her. A taxi is just pulling away when I get there and hope springs in my chest. I slam the car to a stop in front of her apartment building and I jump out. She's not in the lobby, but she can't be far.

I take the stairs two at a time up to her floor.

And she's there.

But she doesn't see me.
