Page 75 of Luxe

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"But you said you drove here."

I pause for a second, making sure I have my story straight. "I borrowed one."

"You should’ve just told me. I can send one of the company cars over."

I wave his offer away. "I have it sorted, Nathan."

He doesn't say anything for a moment, knowing that tone in my voice. "Okay. Well, let me know."

"I will. Thank you."

"Are you really thinking of working for Baxter?"


He’s more surprised than I thought he would be. I thought he’d be happy. "Wow. Okay, but why Baxter and not Yin Tech."

"Well, when you build a casino, maybe I will."

"You know you just have to say the word. Dad will lay the first brick himself."

"Yeah, it's the rest of the bricks I'm worried about."

"You're a brat."

"That... may have been mentioned before." My cheeks blaze, remembering the last time I'd been a bit bratty to the man behind the door.

He leans in, lowering his voice. "Okay, I love Kylian like a brother, but look out, okay? They're not Baxter Enterprises because they're a pushover in business."

I squeeze his arm, gratefully. "I will.”

“Also, I wasn’t joking about being careful around him and his wandering hands. He wasn't known as Lady Killer Kylian in college because he stayed away from women."

This time he gets an eye roll. "Yes, Mikey." I give my brother a hug and then walk back into the office only to find him following me in.

"Sorry about that, man,” he says to Kylian, who’s still sitting on the couch. “Just some big brother-little sister stuff. Anyway, I forgot to say that dad wanted to have a cook out next Tuesday." He points at me. "You are expected." Then he points at Kylian. "But you are invited. He said he's sorry he didn't hang around to talk the other day at Amber, he was a little tired from staying up to read."

Kylian flicks his eyes at me. "Ummm, are you okay with me coming?"

Nathan interjects before I can answer. "Why are you asking her? He specifically asked me to invite you."

“I'm asking her to be a gentleman, fuckface! Maybe she wanted to spend some time just with you guys,” Kylian answers, looking at me.

This time I nod. Unless he was out of the country, I know my Dad would not take Kylian refusing an invitation lightly. In addition, it was likely to stir up more suspicion than us being there together.

"Okay, then, of course. Sounds great. Tell your Dad thanks. And I'm bringing him something my brother's fiancée brought over to me from Australia."

When Nathan finally leaves after a few more false goodbyes, we stand in place for what feels like a good five minutes before taking a breath, making sure he's gone.

Finally, Kylian gets up from the couch and pushes his office door closed and then walks over to me, taking my hands in his. "It's so good to see you. I could barely think all morning."

I can’t help being touched by the way he just says what he’s feeling. "I missed you, too. That’s probably why I showed up here in the middle of your work day with food. I almost died when I saw Nathan in here! Your assistant said I could come in."

Kylian blushes; his cheeks blare red, and in that moment he looks utterly adorable. "That may have been my fault, I said to Julie that unless I was in with King Charles, you were to be put through no matter what."

I giggle, thrilled by the special attention. "Kylian. You shouldn’t have done that. Nothing is that urgent."

He pulls me in and hugs me in the way that I'm becoming addicted to, squeezing me as tightly and as closely as he can. "I felt so bad about leaving this morning. I shouldn't have left you alone after what happened. I should've just called in to my meetings. How was your morning?"
