Page 4 of Last Dance

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All that matters is the gorgeously curvy blonde staring at me. Nothing else even means a damn thing.



Idon’t understand what’s going on with this guy. His blue eyes have not left me the entire time that he’s been standing at the bar. I feel an itch all along my body where I feel those eyes burning.

He begins stalking back to me and I sit up straight, watching every single step, feeling the urge to run like prey facing a predator. If I thought I could get away, I might. I might not. I’m not really sure. For some reason, I want to know what’s going to happen next even though I’m a little afraid of the man.

When he said he was more dangerous than I realized, I almost couldn’t breathe. He’s that damn intimidating. Even now as he walks towards me I see other men and women notice him and quickly move away, trying to avoid eye contact the whole time. Whoever he really is, he’s not the kind of man you want to cross.

He’s almost to me and my body starts to sizzle with some kind of electricity like nothing I’ve ever felt before.

He slides into the chair right next to me and moves it even closer so that he’s almost sitting in my lap. Or vice versa. I’m really not sure.

He hands me a drink and I arch a brow in question to him. He grins. “I picked it because it reminds me of you. Little and packs a punch!”

I laugh out loud, throwing my head back, ignoring my misgivings. “You don’t know me that well, Mister Campano. I don’t pack a punch. I’m just a plain, ordinary woman. No man has ever gone crazy when he sees me.”

He shrugs broad shoulders. “I don’t think you understand men, little one. We are very complex and there’s more that we look to and get excited about than a pretty face and glorious body.” His hot eyes slide down my body. “Not that you’re missing any of that either.”

Snorting, I take a sip of the fruity drink that when I swallow, it burns all the way down my throat and to my belly.

“You don’t believe me. Tell me about yourself, princess.”

“I’m nothing special.”

“Not possible.” I shake my head and purse my lips at his words. But then I lift my shoulders, straightening them. I might as well let him know what I really am. The trappings that I’m wearing right now are nothing like me. He needs to know that.

I wave a hand at my body and watch his blue gaze light up. “This is not me. I don’t wear clothes like this. I borrowed this outfit from my friend, Petal. She’s a lot more outgoing than I am. I don’t go out at night usually but this is my birthday and she wanted to have a special night for the two of us. I agreed even though it’s not me. I’m a librarian. I’m a boring person. I wear glasses every day although I left them off tonight. I have contacts but they irritate my eyes so I don’t usually use them.”

He sits back and his hand lifts up, rubbing along the curve of his mouth. I want to know what he’s thinking but his poker face is perfect. He gives nothing away. His lean, hungry cheeks and deep blue gaze are focused totally on me and I’m fascinated, wholly lost in what he is.

“Alright. I’ve told you about me. Now you tell me about you.”

He shrugs those broad shoulders of his and his suit effortlessly follows his movements, obviously well-tailored. He most definitely must be a man of means. That’s a little unnerving as well. I’m not a rich woman. I’m just an average, everyday woman.

“I’m not sure what’s interesting about me, princess.”

“Just start talking.” I take another sip and watch him take a deep breath.

“My name is Xavier Campano. I’m in business with my father and my family. We’re very diversified. I don’t know if I can name any specific thing that we do. Or that I can tell you at least.”

I laugh lightly. “Are you trying to tell me that if you tell me, you’ll have to kill me.”

“In some instances.” He says it with a straight face and I feel the first misgivings at his seriousness.

“Who are you?” I ask breathlessly.

“I told you. Xavier Campano. My father is Vincenzo Campano.”

I feel my face literally pale. Even I know that name. Vincenzo Campano is the biggest fish in the mob around here. A mob boss with his thick fingers in a ton of different pies. He doesn’t suffer fools gladly and there has been speculation that he’s been involved in at least fourteen different disappearances in the area.

That’s only the ones that they know about.

“I see you know who my father is, dove.”

“Dove?” I take a big sip of the drink, feeling the fruity concoction slide down my throat and burn down to my belly.

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