Page 8 of Last Dance

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“Three people were killed last night in an apparent hit job on the don of the Campano family. A spokesman for the family said that they are in deep mourning and would appreciate it if the press would give them privacy in this difficult time.” The woman’s lips twist in distaste. “Of course we know that the Campano family may be looking for a war if this was indeed a hit. The immediate suspect is the Vitrillo family who has been trying to gain a foothold in the criminal enterprises in this area that are run by the Campanos. If that is the case, there is a very real possibility that this death may lead to a deadly mob war.”

The horrifying speculation seems to make her perk right the hell up. There’s a gleam in her eyes that makes me sick to my stomach. I turn the tv off and groan.

“Bitch seems excited about a mob war.”

Petal stirs next to me and I wince when I see her pale face. I pat her stiff back. “Hey, don’t worry about it. We got out alright and I have a feeling that I’m never going to have to see Xavier again.”

She shakes her head and her mouth firms up. Her wide blue eyes switch to stare into mine. “I saw the man that got shot. I saw it.”

I nod my head and pull her into me, hugging her tightly. “I know. You told me last night.”

She shakes her head wildly, her dark hair flying. “I saw the man get killed. I saw the man that did it.”

I jerk back, my mouth falling open in shock. “You saw the killer.”

She nods her head up and down like a bobble-head. “I did. Oh my god, I saw a mob hit with rival mafia men.” Her face pales even more. “I’m going to die.”

“No you are not. We’re going to see the police. We’ll get you some protection.”

“From the mob?!” She wails, her voice touching on the same decibel as dog whistles.

“Absolutely. Get dressed. We’re going.”

I push at her and get her moving at the same time as I grab my phone, checking to make sure that it’s still charged. Just in case.

I’m not really sure in case of what. But just in case.

Within five minutes, we’re tearing out the door and grabbing an Uber that I called that happened to be immediately available.

“The police station!” I scream, holding onto Petal’s hand and acting like a crazy character out of a movie.

The man glares at me but then pulls out slowly and put-putts up the road.

I groan and smack my head into the front seat. “Dude! Can you please move it?”

He doesn’t even bother responding. But he speeds up about five mph so I rein in my pinwheeling emotions and sit back.

Petal still looks shocked beyond belief and I don’t blame her. This is bad. So bad.

We pull up at the police station and Petal tries to tug her hand away from me. “No! this is a bad idea. I just need to go home and forget that this happened.”

I study her and quickly pay the driver. He pulls away without a backward glance.

“Was there anyone else with the killer? Did you get a good look at him? Did he see you?”

She grimaces, her pink lips folding in on themselves. “Ummm. Yes to all of those things. And the guy with the guy saw me as well.”

“Oh shit!” I start dragging her up the steps. “I don’t think you have a choice, Petal. If one of them doesn’t find out who you are by tonight I’d be really fucking surprised.”

We run into the building and I start squawking at the cop at the front desk, not really thinking about the fact that there were people all over the place in there. All of whom overheard me.

“Hey, my friend and I were at Club Curve last night and we saw the killer. Well,” I pulled Petal forward. “She saw the killer. Not me. I just danced with the son of the man that was killed and had a drink with him.”

The cop lifts his eyebrows but calls back to someone on the phone. Within a few minutes a sharp-faced detective comes up to us and nods his head for us to follow him.

He leads us into an interview room which I’m sure has a two-way mirror or something in it. But then he leaves us alone in there and I groan. “I hope we’re doing the right think, Petal. I just don’t know what else to do to protect you.”

She nods and slumps in the chair, scuffing her feet as she wriggles, trying to get comfortable in the heinous seat.

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