Page 12 of For his Surrender

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“Uhm... sure!And it reminds me, why he’s a jerk, huh?!”

“Because…because…because he’s so annoying! He thinks he’s always right, he loves to hear the sound of his own voice and God!He’s so hot, I can’t hate everything about him, and that’s definitely the most annoying part of him!The bastard didn’t even know how to be completely hateful!”

This time the laughter comes before I can even think to control it and all I can do is cover my own mouth with the intention of muffling the sound.

“And since when is being hot a flaw, Grazi?” I ask laughing, and she mutters several incomprehensible things.

“If you want to talk about asshole bosses so badly, why don’t we talk about yours, huh? I’m more than ready for my Asshole Marcos moment!Tell me, what was the pearl of wisdom that the epitome of imbecility said today?” she speaks excitedly, not only because she manages to change the subject and take the focus off herself, but because talking badly about my boss is almost like watching a movie or a series for both of us.

I started working for Marcos a week before Grazi moved back to Rio, after five years here in São Paulo with me.In theory, she came to go to college, in practice, this was the perfect excuse for us to leave Rio.And I really needed to, before the judgmental eyes of the Rio elite made my life even more miserable than my own parents had already made it.

With the end of graduation, her father demanded that she returned home.After all, she is his only child and, as a result, heir to his I.T. empire.Graduated, there were no more excuses for her to stay away from what would one day be her empire.

That’s how I found myself, for the first time in five years, alone with Isabella.For five years Grazi was my emotional and financial support network.Bella and I lived in her father’s apartment in São Paulo and, while she was studying, I took care of absolutely everything in the house.The first few months were the hardest, because in addition to having to deal with morning sickness and everything else that being pregnant at seventeen means, I had to learn to exist without someone cleaning up every step of the way I walked.

God save YouTube, because without it I would be lost.I learned how to cook, clean, use an iron and turn on the washing machine, among many other things.Grazi could have hired a maid, but I didn’t want to be a bigger burden than I already was.She left her home for me, her family, her friends.I needed to reciprocate in some way and, in my condition, taking care of her house while she studied was the way I found it.

For nearly five years, between nine months of gestation, and Isabella’s nearly four years of age, we were quite a duo.But, when that time ended, I could no longer stay at Grazi’s father’s apartment, after all, he didn’t even know that I lived with his daughter, and I preferred it to remain that way.I needed a job, I didn’t have any education and I had a three-year-old child.One thing I didn’t need YouTube to learn?No one wants to hire young children’s mothers.

That’s how I ended up at Asshole Marcos’ house, as we nicknamed my boss in my first week at work, after I caught him running away from a woman he had taken home.Marcos asked the cook to lie to the poor woman about a work emergency, when, in fact, he was inside the house sleeping in another room. Really? Is it possible to be more asshole than that?

Since then, speaking ill of him has become a kind of leisure moment for both of us. The Asshole Marcos moment. But today, specifically, his bullshit was bigger than anything I’ve ever witnessed. Grazi has no idea...

“Come on, Nel! It’s been almost a week since he nearly choked to death on his own vomit!I need something, I’m going into withdrawal here...”

I laugh dryly. I run my tongue over my lips and, raising my eyebrows, I say.

“Are you ready?”

“Oh, I’m so ready!” she replies and I close my eyes, fill my lungs with air and, together with them, I release the words.

“He has asked me to marry him...”

Graziella laughs so loudly I have to turn down the volume on my phone, worried about waking Bella up.

“My God, sis!How drunk did this man get this time?” she practically screams, and I understand, because I would also laugh, if I did not know that the situation is serious, very serious.

“Oh no, sis. He was sober, completely sober.”

The change in Grazi’s expression happens gradually. As her face gets completely serious and her eyebrows raise, her smile dies.


In my office, the walls around me seem to shift as I wait for understanding to reach my friend.There aren’t many people I can tell what I plan to do, in fact there’s only one, and after being away for two weeks, he’s just been updated on my latest decisions.

“So, let me see if I’ve got this straight. You were discarded as successor to the position of managing partner, today occupied by your father, for relating to employees.And now your solution to that is to marry an employee?None of those you’ve been in a relationship with, but a completely different one?”

“Saying it that way, it sounds horrible...” Sitting across from me, in the same armchair Antonella was sitting in yesterday morning, João Pedro tilts his head, folds one leg over the other, resting one ankle on his knee, and raises a single eyebrow in a silent question.

“Because it’s horrible, Marcos!And I really can’t believe you took me out of the house, the day I got home from my honeymoon, for this, goddamn it!”

And what happened topals before gals, huh?” I grumble and João Pedro snorts.

“When you have a woman to call yours, you’ll understand that choosing a hairy man over a beautiful and hot woman is totally unrealistic!”

“Did it hurt?” I ask seriously, and he frowns in confusion.

“What, Marcos?”

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