Page 15 of For his Surrender

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“They’re not baseless, I know all there is to know.Poor, she works because she has to, she’s not a journalist and she’s sweet and submissive. Just what I need...”

He shakes his head, refusing.

“It’s different, damn it! A preliminary employee investigation is not the same as what you should do for a woman you want to make your wife.”

“Why is it different?If that’s exactly what she’s going to continue to be?My employee?It’s a completely professional contract, João. And if I have any luck and under that ridiculous uniform there’s a nice body, maybe I can fuck my wife. What could possibly go wrong?”


I leave the bathroom with the towel wrapped around my waist and my head full of João Pedro’s words, even almost a whole day after our conversation.But he’s wrong, completely wrong.If Antonella had any ulterior interest in me, I would have noticed after all this time, but no, she didn’t even make her presence known.

For the thousandth time since I’ve seen them, Antonella’s eyes assault my mind and I start to wonder if I’m imagining the ever-increasing amount of details I see in them that makes it look like there’s the outline of a sunflower in her irises. What the fuck!

This situation is driving me crazy, and I know exactly what I need to fix it, what it always does, music, the company of a hot woman, or two, maybe three, and whiskey, lots of whiskey.

My phone rings, distracting me from the images my mind silently passes on, summoned by the plans for tonight.I look at the display of the device in my hand and my dad’s picture glows on it.I walk through the closet, analyzing the shelves and choosing what to wear.I take a deep breath, he seems to have a radar and appears in those moments when I am anything but what he would like, whether physically, through a call, or in my thoughts.

“Hi, old man!” I greet him as soon as I answer the call.

“Old is the world! I’m experienced. And not that much. And how are you, my son?” I laugh at his usual answer.

“I’m fine, dad. What about you?”

“I’m fine too, but honestly?Every day looking forward for retirement...” His tone is playful, he didn’t choose his words, he just answered sincerely, however, the silence that followed makes it clear that he regretted it.

“It’s ok, Dad. You can talk about your retirement...”

“Fuck, Marcos! Did you have to screw up that bad? No matter what I say, those old men are not convinced...” he complains, making me laugh again.First, because Valente’s board has only old men, he’s not.

Then, because despite having been the one to catch me buried in my secretary, six months ago, after his anger had passed, Joaquim Valente began to try, in every possible way, to convince the board that this was not a reason for them to prevent me from being promoted to managing partner.

There are those who say he turns a blind eye at me and that I’m a still reckless thirty-two years old man.Maybe these people are right.But fuck it, that just makes me admire the man my dad is even more. Just like I don’t think I’m husband material, I don’t think I’m father material either, and he’s the whole reason for that.

I would never be able to be to anyone even ten percent of what my father is to me.And despite my past reckless attitudes, I really want to carry on his legacy in the way I think I can, with work.And as I find myself at peace just hearing his breath on the other end of the line and knowing that no matter how much shit I do, he will always be there for me, the assurance that I would really do anything for him settles inside my chest.

“That’s not funny, Marcos!”

“No, Dad. It’s not, but that’s not what you called me for, is it?” I deflect, not wanting to say what I’m planning until it’s too late for him to try to convince me otherwise.Scandalous, seemingly flowery eyes flash into my thoughts and I nearly change my mind, suddenly curious as to what my father will think of Antonella.

He grunts, dissatisfied, but finally says why he called.

“You haven’t confirmed your presence at next week’s charity event yet.”

“Oh, that...”

“You need to be there, Marcos. And, please, no surprises!” almost begs the last part, giving me an idea.This would be an incredible time to officially introduce Antonella as my fiancée.

“It’s okay, Dad, I’ll be there!”

“Easy like that? And I didn’t hear you confirming that there will be no surprises!”

“Where else would the future managing partner of Valente & Camil be on the night of the biggest event organized by the firm, father?”

“Marcos...” he says, slowly. “Maybe you should start getting used to the idea that the board doesn’t really change its mind.” He tries to hide it, but the heaviness in his voice just mentioning that possibility would be more than necessary incentive to move forward if I still needed one.

“It’s ok, Dad. If we don’t see each other before, see you there!”

