Page 35 of For his Surrender

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“Yes, until our honeymoon...” It finally brings her eyes to mine, and I feel like laughing, because they are the size of dishes. “For all intents and purposes, we are a couple in love, Antonella, a honeymoon is expected. Her teeth sink into her lower lip, and she blinks, frantically.

“For how long?”

“As Isabella is still very young, I think a week is acceptable.”

“An entire week?” she gasps, looking genuinely worried.

“You’ve never been away from each other for that long?”

“No, never…” The last word comes out in a whisper and immediately I feel like canceling the plans.I frown at the sudden impulse, I don’t understand its origin or motivation.And instead of following it, I do exactly the opposite.

“It’s going to be okay, it’s just for a few days.” She looks at me, still looking lost, and the impulse to say don’t worry becomes even stronger.Fleeing from it and Antonella’s gaze, I turn the rest of the water in my glass down my throat, leave it in the sink and say goodbye. “Good night, Antonella...”

“Good night, Marcos.”

Halfway out of the kitchen, I remember that something important was not clarified:

“And, Antonella...” I say over my shoulder.She raises her head, her eyes staring at mine. “I really don’t mind seeing Oatmeal!” I blink before I turn my back on her and go back to my room.

“It’s a nice bedroom...” Grazi comments as I give her a tour on a video call.Yes, it is... It’s quite a bedroom.

The decoration in light colors is generic and without personality, after all, it was a guest room, but still, it’s very beautiful.The bed is huge and the headboard is upholstered to the ceiling, a fuzzy carpet occupies almost the entire floor, the surrounding furniture is beautiful, and the best part of the environment is the side wall, all in glass, hidden by white curtains.

However, what won me over and made me choose this one as my own, among the four suites available on the penthouse, was a small reading corner in the decor.The perfect place for Bella to fall asleep in my arms.Even though she really dumped them tonight, too excited to have her own space for the first time ever.Even during the three years we lived with Grazi, she slept with me first because she was so small and that made things easier.

Then, because I was already used to it and imagined that she too, so there was no point in changing.Apparently, I guessed wrong, after all, Isabella has never been as eager to sleep as she is today.Dismissing even the giant television, another thing that got her very excited about her newbighouse, as she dubbed the penthouse.

There are some moments in life that are etched in our minds by hot iron.No matter how much time passes, they will always be there.Not all of them are good.In mine, there’s a little of each.Today, without a doubt, Isabella’s reaction when we arrived here, her happiness in showing me the room she had chosen and everything else in the freedom she felt in having so much space at her disposal, are certainly some of these unforgettable moments.And even if Marcos was not having completely unexpected attitudes, just for those moments, I was already grateful to him.

“How has it been living with Asshole Marcos?”

“I don’t know if I can call it an experience.It’s only been a day, and he’s pretty much been out all day, or locked in his room, after Bella asked if he was going to be her dad.” The memory makes me laugh and Grazi laughs loudly.


“Oh, Grazi!You should have seen his face!The man turned white like paper and choked on his own saliva!A disaster!” I end up laughing, not being able to contain myself either. “He arrived when Bella and I were making cookies.Bella saw him first and asked if he was Marcos, Mom’s husband, he confirmed and then she asked,and will you be my dad?I swear if the man hadn’t nearly suffocated to death, I would have died laughing on the spot!God, I could feel my cheeks so hot I had to work so hard not to burst out laughing!

“My goddaughter is perfect!”

“Yes, she is!” I agree, smiling, as I look at the electronic nanny rescued from the time we lived in an apartment larger than a box of matches.

“Clean up, Nel...” Grazi draws my attention, and immediately I bring my thumb to the corner of my mouth, even though I have no idea what she’s talking about.

“Clean what, Grazi?” I ask, finding no trace of anything on my skin.

“The drool that’s running out the corner of your mouth!”

“Oh, fuck you, Graziella!”

“Alright, alright. You have the right to drool!She is the most amazing child there is,” she says, looking silly.

“And I’m the one who needs to wipe my dribbled mouth,” I grumble, and Grazi laughs.

“But other than that, how have things been?I’m sorry I couldn’t make it, I really couldn’t get out of Rio this weekend, but next weekend I’ll be there without a doubt!”

“It’s okay, you haven’t lost anything but boxes and more boxes to fill, seal and stack...And about things, they’re weird, you know?I didn’t expect Asshole Marcos to be so...” I pause, looking for the right word “decent... That’s it, I guess.And the fund for Bella...I thought he’d freak out when he found out I had a daughter, not that he’d somehow think it was fair to take responsibility for the inconvenience the end of our deal will cause her. It was weird.” Just this morning, I sent photos to Grazi of the contract I signed, so she’s aware of everything.

“Even I have to admit that this, perhaps, left theaofassholegrayed out.” I laugh.
