Page 47 of For his Surrender

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As if I had a will of my own, my hand rises, crawling up her arm and causing electric shocks that echo through every part of me.What I do badly can’t even be called touching, but it lights up my entire body as my fingers glide lightly down the thin neck, touching the bare skin.

Antonella closes her eyes, her breathing becomes sparse for just a second, before she reopens them, swallowing hard and pretending not to be affected.But it’s late, even if I wasn’t able to see her goosebumps, even if I hadn’t felt her body retract, her scandalous eyes wouldn’t let her hide how affected she was to go unnoticed by me.

“Ella?” She keeps her eyes on mine.

“I thought I would give more truth to things...” I justify, out loud, the use of the nickname by which I call her in my mind all the time, but which should never have passed through my lips, and which I had not even noticed until she drew my attention to it.

“The touches too, I imagine...” she whispers, and I smile, enjoying affecting her, at least a little bit, when, from the moment I first laid eyes on her tonight, my hormones decided to return to puberty.

“Just to keep the appearances,” I lie.Any concerns I had about appearances disappeared along with the maturity of my hormones still in my house.Antonella has filled my mind in such a way that there is simply no more room for anything but admiring her or reminding myself that she is a baby wife whom, no matter how much I wish, I can never have.And who I shouldn’t even fucking wish on.

Even if the insistent touch of my fingers on her skin says just the opposite.Even though my gaze has declared that tonight, no matter what or how many paths it will take, their fate will always be Antonella’s mouth.Even though her scent, citrusy and sweet, insists on seeping through my nose and making me wonder what this sweet something is.And why, in the name of God, am I so absurdly drawn to the part I shouldn’t be, the acid?

“Marcos!” The deep and harsh voice calls me, forcing me to stay away from Antonella.I don’t know if I thank or curse the person responsible for this.After all, thanks to him, I did what I had to do, even if I didn’t want to.I turned, meeting Carlos, the member of the board who was coming towards me when I stopped walking.The first interaction of the son of a bitch is to measure Antonella with his eyes, and fuck!I feel a sudden urge to make him blind. “I didn’t expect to see you around.” Despite the innocent words, the tone is one of accusation.

Carlos Magri is a tall man, with a slender body and straight white hair, which is always combed back.His appearance is snobbish, as is his soul, and though he enjoys the loftiness that only all the money he has could give someone, it is not difficult to realize how petty a man is, five minutes in his company is enough.If I had to choose one of Valente’s board members to nominate as the most hypocritical, it would certainly be him.

And the fact that he was the first to greet me tonight says a lot about it.Next to him is the best illustration of his hypocrisy I could use.His wife, what?Forty?Forty-five years younger?The woman has a plasticized smile on her face, and I wonder if she would be able to keep her lips straight if she tried.

“Where else would I be? This event is important to Valente, so it’s important to me.” I use an equally diplomatic and suggestive tone, to which one of his eyebrows rises.

“This is certainly new,” he ironizes, disguising the poisonous tone behind one as a joke. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your date?” His eyes are greedy and my will is to say, no, I won’t! But that’s the whole reason we’re here, isn’t it? Display Antonella?Then why the fuck does the result of this exposure make bile go up my throat?I nod, in agreement.

“Of course! Not only to you, I want the whole world to know that this wonderful woman” I raise one of Antonella’s hands, and take her to my lips.The skin, so close to my nose, makes unspeakable things pass through my head “in a moment of complete insanity, said yes!” I hide my disgust behind amusing words, and Antonella, perfect in her role, smiles gracefully.I lose myself for a few seconds on her lips, being brought back by the exclamation of Carlos, who no longer has even a shred of sarcasm in his voice.

“Fiancée” His tone is loud and catches the attention of some people who pass by us.I frown, pretending not to understand his reaction, before looking at Antonella and smiling again.I don’t have to pretend. It’s easy. So easy!

“Yes! Am I not the luckiest man in the world?”

“Since when?” He shoots, and I tilt my head, as if I didn’t understand the reason for all the fuss.But I understand.Fuck!In the past months, few things have given me as much satisfaction as seeing Carlos’ lack of control at this time.

“It’s a long story, Carlos...And the night is just beginning.So, if you’ll excuse us, I’d like to show off my fiancée to a few more people.” And without waiting for his answer, Antonella and I followed, leaving a red and very upset director behind.

“That was good, wasn’t it?”Ellaasks, and I smile a lot.

“That was perfect!”

Carlos does an excellent job spreading to the other five directors the news of my engagement and, at the end of an hour, Ella has already been duly presented to all of them, who, like Carlos, are left behind astonished, probably already trying to find a different way to screw me.

However, I don’t know if it’s the certainty that they won’t find it or the fact that my head seems determined to do nothing but focus on Antonella, on her gestures, smiles, on her safe speech and resourcefulness in whatever circle we stop in, I really don’t care what goes on in the mind of the damn board, not tonight.We walk toward one of the bars positioned on the sides of the hall when Antonella suddenly stops walking, and I almost accidentally give her a tug.

“I think your parents are coming here,” she warns and, living up to the provocation earlier, she does not seem at all frightened at the prospect of finding them.I stare at her with narrowed eyes, trying to decipher her.

“Marcos, my son!” My parents are already before me when I realize their presence, indisputable proof of how stunned Antonella’s presence is leaving me tonight.It’s almost as if I teleported from the point where she warned me of her approach to here, because I didn’t see anything else.

“Hi, mom!” I let go of Antonella’s arm to hug my parents, first my mother and then my father.I turn to Antonella to introduce her and almost forget what I was going to say when I come across her beautiful smile, I get hit by it just like it’s been happening all night. Fuck, Marcos! Focus!

“Mother, father... this is Antonella...” I begin, and my mother takes the glass of champagne she has in one hand to her mouth, without measuring the consequences, I continue: “My fiancée...” And, if it were not for the very fast reflexes of the woman next to me, the dress that has been driving me crazy would have been ruined before the clock gave its twelfth stroke, because my mother spits out the drink that raised to her mouth, without any elegance, drawing the attention of various looks to our conversation.

I am surprised, because, after all, if the whole board was quickly notified, why not my father?

My mother chokes, Antonella takes the champagne glass out of her hand before another accident happens and my father splits between helping her focus on breathing properly, and looking at me in astonishment, as if I had suddenly got horns.Maybe, I should have prepared them for it, but it’s not like they didn’t know what I intended to do, they just chose not to believe it.

For a few minutes, the confusion in our little circle is evident to anyone curious who looks.And when my mother finally becomes able to interact socially again, her eyes are red and glowing with tears of unspilled agony.

“I’m sorry, my darling. Oh my God! I’m so embarrassed! I’m so sorry, deeply sorry!” she addresses Antonella almost desperately, and is answered with a gentle smile. “It’s just that I thought I heard something absurd and... and... I couldn’t control myself, I’m sorry! Oh my God! Shame on me!”

“It’s all right, Mrs. Giovanna! There’s nothing to worry about! It’s all right” she replies, taking one of my mother’s hands between her own, sounding honest, gentle, and fuck...What the fuck is going on with me today?
