Page 57 of For his Surrender

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I want to yell at him.I want to demand that he never again put my daughter in a situation like this.That he never again gives her hope to be treated as she was today by appearances alone.I want to tell him that he’s being unfair to his parents and I want to yell at myself for subjecting myself to being a part of something like this.I want many things, but none of them echo out of my head.

When the car parks in the underground of the building, it is impossible to prevent memories from taking over me, and the speed with which my body heats up takes me from angry to furious.With a care that does not match my state of mind, I unbuckle Bella’s belt and remove her from the car.In quick steps I reach the elevator not caring to be leaving Marcos behind, but all I don’t need is to close myself together with him inside that damn metal box again.

The instant the doors open, I walk in, and as I turn around, I see him still standing beside the car.He does not make any movement towards me, he stays there, still, in the exact same place, seeming to have in his head the very same thought that I have in mine.The doors close, so do my eyes.

“You’re getting married,” my father says, sitting before me in my office at Valente, a week after lunch at his house, and therefore a week before the wedding date.

I let go of the breath caught in my throat without the slightest willingness for this conversation, even though I was waiting for it.What I didn’t expect was to feel like shittier and shittier with each passing day, and I don’t even see Antonella inside my own house because she hides.I knew touching her had fucked it up, but damn!The proportions? I had no idea.

“I am,” I reply slowly, narrowing my eyes, suspicious of this delayed reaction.I mean, I waited for it.I waited on the ball night, but it didn’t come.Then I waited during lunch, it didn’t come either, I waited for it the next day, and the next, and the next, however, it’s only now, seven days later, that it arrives, and that’s definitely unexpected.

“Why?” He brings his body closer to my desk and rest his elbows on it.Places the palm of one hand on the back of the other and the chin on them.His eyes investigate me as when I was a child and he knew I was lying, but instead of unmasking me immediately, he expected me to contradict myself.His favorite tactic of intimidation was never accusations or material evidence about my mistakes, no.

Joaquim Valente always liked to see me get caught into my own web of lies and end up handing him the truth.I lean back in my chair.It turns slightly, and I bring one of my hands to my chin, buying time.

“Why do people get married, Dad?”

“That is not what I asked you.”

“I know… But you also didn’t tell me that I couldn’t answer you with another question.” He snorts. “I’m no longer a child who can be manipulated into contradicting myself, Dad…”

“And you have something to contradict yourself about, Marcos?” he asks immediately, now, having his eyes narrowed too.

“What do you want me to say, Dad?”

“The truth... Why are you getting married?” The smooth voice doesn’t fool me.He’s one wrong answer away from a meltdown, and fuck, there goes the right one.

“Because the board demanded it!”

“I can’t believe it!” He gets up from the chair, dragging it back in the process, and runs his hands through his hair. “And what was all that about at the dance, at home? What Antonella is? Some kind of actress?And since when are you an actor, Marcos? And what about that child?” It’s my turn to snort.

“You’re watching too many movies, Dad!Of course Antonella is not an actress, for God’s sake!She’s real, every bit of her and her story, just like Isabella! Would I marry if it wasn’t for that unreasonable demand of the board?We both know not! But there’s absolutely nothing fictitious about my fiancée, Dad...Absolutely nothing...” I whisper the last two words much more to myself than to him when my mind is invaded by Antonella’s body at my mercy, warm face, uneven breath, bare breasts, lips swollen... Damn!

It’s been hell.Seven fucking days where every moment of my day is filled with images of her.Some are memories, others are my fertile imagination testing my heart health.The whole naked body, the pink pussy, wet for me, she riding me, going up and down on my cock, swallowing it, and loving to see it disappear inside her, because, for some reason I don’t know, I’m sure she’d love the sight.

I drag my hands across my face, trying to clean up the mess that is this fucked up desire for my baby fiancée, which I can’t even placate, I can’t even forget, and I can’t even handle any company other than my own hand.I don’t think even as a teenager I jerked off so much.

“Are you in love?”

“Dad, please...” I disdain.

“Is that a no?”

“A crystal clear one!”

“Then don’t do it!”


“She has a daughter, Marcos!A child who does not need to go through a divorce when she has never had a father!” he says in an accusatory tone and it annoys me.

“I’m perfectly aware of what Antonella has and what Isabella doesn’t need, Dad! I really don’t need the reminder and the tone of accusation!” I also stand up and stretch my arms over the top of my desk, staring him in the eyes.For minutes, silence stretches between us as my father’s gaze seems to probe me from end to end and leave not even an obscure corner of me out of his reach.

“All right…” he declares at last, leaving me far beyond what suspicious means.

“All right? Like that? Just out of the blue?”

“I wasn’t lying when I told Antonella you have many faults, but you understand the meaning of the word family, Marcos.And you’re right, you’re not a kid anymore, I’m trusting this, I’m trusting that regardless of the motivations that are driving you to this, you understand that this is what you’re building here, a family, and it comes with a price!” His gaze is focused on mine as he says the last words.I swallow hard as his finger is up, pointing to my heart.
