Page 25 of Cookie

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“Forthe government,” he reminded me. “I was always on this side.”

“Shut up.” I leaned forward and kissed him.

I’d meant for it to be a quick kiss, but his hand snaked around the back of my neck and he held me firmly as his tongue probed my lips open and swept inside my mouth.

God, I would never get tired of kissing this man. After all the years apart, plus the years of misguided animosity, it was almost too much to believe that we’d simultaneously taken so long yet ended up here so quickly.

“I’m trying to make out with you, and you’re thinking way too hard about something else,” Seamus complained when he broke the kiss. “What’s going on? And if you tell me it’s work stuff, I’m going to sack tap you so hard you’ll have a limp to go with that shiner.”

I hadn’t really wanted to have this particular talk just yet, but I also wasn’t a coward. So now was just as good a time as later.

“I want to be with you,” I admitted, spitting the words out quickly so I couldn’t back off. “Now. Later. Maybe even forever. I’ve spent three years wondering what we could have had together. I thought I might never get the chance to find out. So, I’m going to say something to you now, something I might regret admitting, but would forever regret not saying.”

“Don’t,” Seamus said softly. “Don’t. Not like this. We’re in the middle of this high-pressure situation and if you say it now, I’m always going to wonder if you said it because all hell was about to break loose—”

“I love you,” I said, cutting off his argument. “I’ve loved you since long before we ended up here. I’ve loved you pretty much since the first moment I saw you. With your stupid red hair and your even stupider handsome face and your ridiculous body. I love the way your mind works. The way you give everything you have to the squad and to this country. I love you, Seamus O’Malley. I just do.”

“Well,” he said, shaking his head. “I hate you. Always have. Mostly because you make up words like stupider.”

“You don’t hate me,” I said, smiling widely.

“No,” he whispered. “I don’t. Because of course I love you, too. That’s probably how I can hate you so fucking much sometimes. Like now. When I just wanted to climb on top of your body and you decided to talk about feelings and shit.”

I moved in to kiss him, but before our lips could touch again, the emergency siren on both of our cell phones went off. I checked my message and looked up to see Seamus staring back at me with wide eyes.

The message had been an emergency broadcast from Zane saying that the fifth fuel truck had just crashed into Blake International Holdings headquarters and exploded, and we were needed in the Situation Room immediately.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Seamus whispered.

We both bolted for the door before racing down the stairs together.

I had no idea what we were going to find when we got there, but I did know that we were going to figure this all out together.

Because Seamus O’Malley was in love with me, too. And if we could work that out…then we could do anything.

Even if I couldn’t fucking see how yet.
