Page 32 of Bossy Mess

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She looked at Martin. “Witness?”


“Sloane?” she asked. “Witness?”


“Pleasure doing business with you two,” Rebecca said. “You two have a good night. Don’t get too wet out there.”

Another giggle and hiccup from underneath the blanket.

I watched the two of them leave from out the window. The rain had stopped, and a tiny sliver of the sun was showing from beyond the horizon. Sloane poked her head out from underneath the blanket.

“You’re going to be able to buy the house?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I said. “It’s no problem. I’ll make it work.”

There was a sense of defeat in my words that I couldn’t hide. It had been a whirlwind of a 24-hour period, and I was exhausted, but looking into Sloane’s eyes reminded me of the feeling of hope in my life.

“So, I guess it’s our house?” she asked.

“When the paperwork is done, it’ll belong to Dynasty Real Estate.”

“Yeah, yeah,” she said, rolling her eyes. “But that’s just you being pedantic. Nobody’s living in it and we’ll have access to the deed. Until Dynasty sells it, it’s our house.”

She had a point. It wasn’t a legal point, but it was close enough to the truth.

“Yeah,” I said, “I guess it is. It’s our house.”

“Wanna have a quicky in it before work?”

She smiled, filling the room with brightness even in the dark.



The quick fuck turned into nearly a full hour, leaving us both tired and exhilarated.

“We should call in sick,” I said. “Then we should nap. And then we should fuck again. And then nap. And somewhere in that, we should probably order a pizza to replace the one we didn’t get to eat.”

In saying that, I suddenly realized just how hungry I was.

“We should order a pizza now,” I said.

“I don’t think any pizza places deliver at seven in the morning,” Wesley said, and, though he had a point, I didn’t have to be happy about it. “Besides, I need to get into the office to take care of the paperwork if we don’t want them blackmailing us.”

He got out of the bed and wandered around the room, picking up the clothing that we threw in all directions in fits of passion. I remained in bed, comfortable and relaxed.

“I did it,” I said. “I sold the house, just like I said I would.”

He glared at me, that serious look that he always had before, but there was a hint of playfulness in it. As if he not only realized it was a joke but understood the joke and may have even thought it was funny.

“We can worry about your sales record later,” he said. “For now, you’re right, you sold the house. Albeit in a fairly unconventional fashion.”

“And for three hundred K over market value, too.”

“That’d be a lot more impressive if you actually got to keep the commission.”

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