Page 42 of Bossy Mess

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“Oh, that’s fine,” he said, not a care in the world.

“Do you want to check on it?”

“Not really, I don’t care.”

That was sweet of him, but I still felt bad. “Can you open it up and make sure I didn’t break anything?”

He picked the box up and put it on the desk, then grabbed a box cutter to open it. “It’s a gift from a former client of ours,” he said. “She keeps sending me gifts and I don’t know what to do with them.”

“What kind of gift?”

“Take a look for yourself.”

I sat up — slowly, since I was still catching my breath — and looked inside.

“What the--?” I trailed off.

There were probably thirty DVDs with covers of big, young, muscly men in all sorts of positions I dreamed of getting into.

“Gay porn?” I asked. “Why is she sending you gay porn?”

He grabbed one of the DVDs out of the box — Everyone, Every Hole, All at Once — and flipped it over to the back, then pointed to one of the names from the credits. “Mink Blossom,” he said. “She’s the producer. We sold her the studio, and she loves it. It even came built in with some of the sets.”

The back of the DVD box featured three naked men intertwined with each other, but he was pointing to the background, which was a kung fu training hall.

I couldn’t help but laugh. “How many of these boxes do you have?” I asked.

He walked over to a closet in the corner and opened the door. A tower of these boxes was inside, several layers thick.

“I have no idea what to do with them,” he said.

My curiosity got the better of me and I began to rummage through the box on the desk. In between copies of Full Metal Jack-Off and Pacific Rimjob, there were also some other boxes that couldn’t have fit DVDs.

“Holy shit,” I said, pulling one of the boxes out to take a closer look. “Do you know what this is?”

It was a vibrating cock ring, new in packaging. But it wasn’t just any vibrating cock ring: it was an Apex Signature model Orgasmic Intensifier.

“These things retail for like five hundred bucks,” I said. “Oh my God. This is the model that even comes with the Bluetooth remote.”

Without asking his permission, I opened the small box and pulled it out, feeling the smooth silicon in my hand.

I could see he was looking on with a quiet fascination.

“You ever used one of these?” I asked.

“No…” he said.

“Oh, they’re great.” I pressed the button on the remote to get it to vibrate, but nothing happened. “Oh, crap. Batteries not included for the remote. Good thing the ring itself is rechargeable.”

I flicked the top of it to get the ring to vibrate in my hand. “This top part, you can angle it right against my clit. It turns your dick into the most amazing sex toy. It’ll make me come even harder.”

I flicked it a few more times to test the different vibration settings. There were ten in all and the final two or three were surprisingly strong. It was like holding a full-power mini jackhammer in my hand. A final flick turned it off.

“You should give it a try,” I said.

“I don’t know,” he said. “It seems a little… I don’t know.”

“We should give it a try.”
