Page 43 of Bossy Mess

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I got down on my knees in front of him and reached towards his boxers to put it on him when I heard a key in the lock.

Shit. The janitor was here.

What do we do? I mouthed.

He shrugged his shoulders and turned to cover me from the doorway. It was still obvious that I was in there, but at least whoever came in wouldn’t see my bare ass.

The door opened and the janitor popped his head in.

“Sorry boss,” he said. “I’ll come back a little later.”

He closed the door and locked it behind him. He for certain knew that there was something going on, but just didn’t care enough to say anything.

It was nothing. It was no big deal at all. For a moment, I wondered if maybe we were making a big deal out of nothing. What if Marty had come forward and told everyone about what happened? Would they have the same reaction as the janitor just did?

Probably not, I figured.

“They probably see this kind of thing all the time,” I said.

“It wouldn’t surprise me,” Wesley said. “They know everything that goes on in the office. Probably even better than I do.”

Wesley knelt down and got on the floor with me, leaning his back against the desk. I turned my head into him, resting it on his shoulder.

“I don’t want it to be like this,” he said. “I don’t want to be sneaking around and just sleeping with you after everyone goes home.”

I let him talk. That wasn’t what I wanted either, but I didn’t see any other way it could go.

“I want to take you on proper dates,” he said. “I may be your boss, but I’m not Bradley Burke.”

He certainly wasn’t. And that was perhaps one of his very best qualities.

“You don’t need to do that,” I said. “I’m not a little girl. Maybe something casual would be fine for me.”

Wesley shook his head. “It wouldn’t be fine for me. I want to treat you right and buy you gifts and make you feel like the most important woman in the world.”

“Well, don’t twist my arm, Wesley,” I said. “If that’s what you want to do, then don’t let me stop you.”

Our entire future flashed through my head, not as a definite sign of what was to come, but just to test the idea and see how it felt. Could we really have a future together? Sure, he was a bit older than I was, but it wasn’t a dealbreaker. There were no obvious red flags off in the distance that would doom us for failure.

Not that I was looking for a future at this point. Just having someone to come home to would be enough. Especially if he had Wesley’s irresistibly sexy face.

Well, I supposed there was one thing that would give us trouble.

“We’d still need to sneak around,” I said. “At least for a little while.”

Wesley agreed. “The board of directors couldn’t find out and I’d rather nobody here know either.”

Courtney already knew, but I didn’t want to ruin the moment by bringing up the fact that I’d already told her. She wasn’t a liability. She could keep a secret.

I wasn’t so sure about myself, though.



Ihad the best of intentions, but practically speaking, over the next few weeks, it turned into sneaking around. There was a three-day weekend where we went out to Lake Tahoe together. It was amazing how normal things felt when it was just the two of us and we didn’t have to worry about accidentally running into anybody. During that weekend, Sloane let it slip that she’d told Courtney, which was fine. I already had a suspicion that Courtney knew about us (in the way she acted around me and how she started to knock before entering my office, even if the door was open), but I also knew that if anybody could be trusted in the office it was her.

But if the only way that Sloane and I could be in a relationship was to keep it a secret, then I suppose our only option was to keep it a secret. It wasn’t ideal, but nothing ever is. And I’d rather have an imperfect and intimate relationship with her than a perfect solely professional one and I knew she felt the same way about me.
