Page 45 of Bossy Mess

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“Maybe if we use some lube, that might—”

“No!” I said, insistently, but still whispered. “No lube.” I was already turned on enough. The last thing I needed right now was Sloane inadvertently jerking me off.

Sloane laughed at me, though it was more of a giggle. She couldn’t stop looking at my dick. Under different circumstances, I would have loved it, but now wasn’t the time.

“Should we come back later?” It was Bob from behind the door.

This had already taken too long. “No, it’s fine. Just one more moment.”

The ring wasn’t hurting, though, and hopefully the meeting with Bob would be brief. The problem could wait until after we were done. I left the ring on and zipped my fly up.

“You’re leaving it on?” Sloane asked.

“Do I have a choice?”

“That’s so… sexy.” She licked her lips. “Finish up the meeting quick so I can come back in here and finish you quick.”

That wasn’t helping me get soft, but I appreciated it all the same.

“Thank you, Sloane,” I said, loudly enough to be heard through the walls. “This is looking very good. Excellent work.”

“My pleasure, Mr. Hartford,” she said as she opened the door and walked out. “Anytime.”

It wasn’t just Bob Isaacs waiting outside my office for me. His associate, and brother, Jesse Isaacs, was also there.

“Come on in, boys,” I said. “Take a seat.”

Jesse closed the door behind him as he came in. That did not bode well.

I stood up at an angle from my seat so as to not reveal my continuing erection as I reached across the desk to shake their hands.

“How are you two doing?” I asked.

They weren’t smiling and didn’t respond to my question. Instead, Bob put his briefcase on the desk and opened it up.

“We’d like to discuss the Dyer property,” he said, pulling out a pile of paperwork.

Shitballs. I was not looking forward to this conversation and, all things being equal, I would have preferred not having a tight piece of silicon squeezing my dick as I was having it. Normally, during the day, I’m able to forget about my genitals, but this device made it impossible. Still, I was a professional, and I could force myself to focus well enough to get through this meeting.

“Oh, it’s fine,” I said. “The deal’s almost completed.”

Bob exchanged a look with Jesse. Jesse nodded. If I’d heard that man say more than ten words in my entire career, I’d be surprised.

“That’s our concern,” Bob said. “I’m not sure that we’re getting much of a deal here.”

Our company wasn’t. I was. I’d get to keep my job, probably. Our company would be paying significantly above market price for a house in a buyer’s market.

“Can you explain your reasoning with this one?” he asked.

It was at that moment that I noted Sloane had left the remote on top of the desk where anyone could have seen it. I had to find a way to grab it and put it away before Bob and Jesse noticed.

“I agree,” I said. “On the surface, it doesn’t look like a good deal, but you need to look at this long term. That house is seriously undervalued, and the buyers know it. It was built fifteen years ago and is walking distance from some of the best schools in the Southern California area. And everybody wants to be in Calabasas.”

“It says here that the house has mold.”

I waved the thought away and, in the process, tried to grab the remote nonchalantly, but I couldn’t quite reach. Not naturally, anyway. “That’s a fix of a few thousand dollars at most. It’s pocket change.”

Bob was not impressed. “Be that as it may, Wesley, we felt it was our duty to remind you that you do not have a blank check to buy whatever you want. We’re going to defer to your expertise on this one, under the assumption that you’ll have a reasonably fast turn around, but please exercise more caution in the future.”
