Page 19 of Loving Victoria

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“Just fine,” I said. I couldn’t hide anything from him, but he was clearly giving me a pass and kept his mouth shut. When he began typing again, his grin was firmly in place.

Jeff arrived not long after, and we went to the side of the barn where we wanted to expand. He took measurements and yelled them out for me to write on his clipboard. We went inside and he went into the hayloft, checking every detail about how the barn was designed and what changes would be needed to add to the existing structure.

“Looks good to me, boys,” Jeff said when he climbed down. “Like Caleb suggested, we have the option to remove this wall and expand it. If we do that, we’ll also have to expand the main roof too. We don’t want to add on a flat top or else snow, rain, and wind will be an issue, but it shouldn’t be too hard.” Jeff stuck out his hand for the clipboard. “We can either install a duct for the air conditioning to go into the office or you can install a window unit. The electrical work will be easy to branch off according to the blueprints. All in all, I’d say maybe two weeks tops from start to finish.”

“You think you can get the permits approved that quickly?” I asked.

“I called this morning on my way over, and they’re basically waiting for the paperwork. The Kingston name has quite the influence in town. The receptionist quoted me a twenty-four-hour turnaround on the permits.” Jeff smiled. He was just as excited about the job opportunity as we were.

“I like the sound of that. Get me a quote, and I’ll run it by Thomas for approval.” Gavin shook hands with Jeff.

“I’ll have it to you by the end of the day. Just going to run some numbers with the electricians.”

“Thanks, Uncle Jeff,” I said, and he smiled. Gavin may have kept it professional, but he had more experience than I did. We didn’t expect a huge discount from our uncle, but we knew he wasn’t going to overcharge us on anything just because we worked at King’s Ranch. Declan had wanted to hire someone from one of the major cities nearby, but we knew local was better. Plus, Uncle Jeff would never allow crappy work from anyone he employed.

After Jeff left, Thomas met up with us for a preliminary report. He was thrilled it would happen quick and was looking forward to hearing the final numbers later.

“Let’s get started on the office supply list in case it takes time to get something in. We know what the plans are going to be, so start figuring out what you need and how you want the space to be set up,” Thomas said on his way out.

“On it, boss,” I called after him.My body tensed as thoughts of how big a deal this was. The Kingstons trusted us and our opinion. I wanted them to know their trust was well placed.

Gavin nudged my shoulder. “Go see when you can talk to Alex, and find out what she uses and where we can get it.”

I nodded and left the office. A warm breeze hit me as I took a lap around the barn. It was too good to be true. We’d finally graduated and were now getting an office of our own. It was no longer a dream. Our plans were underway. The fresh air felt good as I took deep breaths, trying to calm my nerves. I didn’t want to mess anything up.

When I rounded the third corner to where the office was to be situated, I paused and smiled. I’d had Tori up against that wall just last night, ready to fuck her out in the open. My cock twitched, remembering how good she felt. How her softness fit perfectly against my hard body. She hadn’t been frightened when my control snapped. Her fingers had tangled in my hair, and she’d ground her core against me, wanting more. Now that the image of her was firmly imbedded in my mind, I wanted, noneeded,to continue what we’d started—to fuck her up against a wall.

With a quick glance around, I adjusted myself and returned to the office. I messaged Alex and set up a time for tomorrow to stop by her clinic and go over her recommendations. I wasn’t sure if Drew would join me or not, but at least I could get things started.

After I’d finished, Gavin and I went through both barns and took inventory. Since there was only so much I could do now, I was happy to help Gavin out.

My phone beeped in my pocket. I opened the group chat with her and my brother, and my heart stopped at the picture on the screen. A beautiful pussy, bare, except for the little strip of trimmed hair above her clit that could be made out at the top of the picture. What made my cock grow the most wasn’t the plump lips or the sheen of arousal coating them. It was the round gem sticking out from between her butt cheeks. We hadn’t put a plug in her this morning, which meant she had done it herself.

Fuck. Me.

Tori: Blue is my favorite color.

Shit. Blue was now my favorite color too. She was trying to kill me. No, not me. Us. I knew Drew was seeing the same thing. Our Tori was being naughty. I was going to have fun with that plug tonight… after I reddened her ass for sending such a dirty picture to us.

“I know that look,” Gavin said as he approached me.

I locked my phone before he could see. No one was going to get a glimpse of the most intimate parts of my woman but me and Drew. Shoving the cell phone in my pocket, I focused on the document in my hand. “There’s no look. You must be imaging things.”

“Sure.” He chuckled. “Let me give you a word of advice, little brother. Don’t fight it. She’s only going to worm her way under your skin that much more.”

“Yeah. Well, we’ll end up fucking it up somehow. We always do.”It hurt every time. As soon as we thought maybe we’d found the one, she’d decide she couldn’t handle the both of us. We were either too intense or brought too much unwanted attention. It didn’t matter what we did or how hard we tried, none of the women ever wanted to stay. After that last one, it put me in such a bad state I couldn’t get out of for weeks. She’d seen my rougher side and judged me harshly for it.

“Don’t think like that, Caleb.”

“We’ve been out of the game for too long. She’s rich and titled. She was born into this, and Drew and I have no clue what we’re doing. This isn’t high school anymore. We might as well be walking around with our thumbs up our asses.” I wiped a hand down my face.

“Let her guide you. She knows what she’s doing.” He slapped my shoulder before walking out of the feed room.

The rest of the day went by quickly. Gavinand I cleared out the room so construction could start right away. Thomas had signed off on the quote, and Uncle Jeff said his crew would start first thing in the morning since they were in between jobs. He had to order a few supplies in the morning, but they would be in by the afternoon. Most of what was needed to begin working he already had on hand at the warehouse. I had offered to help if they needed extra hands to tear apart the side of the barn. Drew and I both had worked summers for my uncle to make extra money while we were at school.

I had an extra spring in my step as I made my way to the house, imagining all the things I wanted to do to Tori. She’d texted an hour earlier that she was done for the day and would meet us at our house. My palms itched in anticipation of reddening her gorgeous ass. And my cock strained against my zipper, waiting to sink deep into her pussy. Or maybe I’d fuck her in the ass. She’d put that plug in for a reason.

Walking through the front door, I was immediately greeted with the sounds of moaning. Guess they started without me. I turned the corner to the living room and bit my tongue. Drew was in his favorite recliner, with Tori on her knees between his legs. He was still in his work clothes except his jeans were opened enough for him to pull his dick through his boxers. Her head bobbing as she sucked him off.
