Page 2 of Loving Victoria

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My eyes narrowed. “Should I?” Internally, I ran through the list of women I’d hooked up with when I’d visited home. There was no way I’d forget this particular face. So there had to be another reason Jessie bated me.

She shrugged with the grin firmly in place. “Why don’t you go over and find out yourself?”

They all laughed. “Leave us to our girls’ night. Like you said, we’ll chat tomorrow. Go.”

“Girls’ night? Does this mean I can’t crash?” I wagged my eyebrows at the group, and Jessie pushed me toward the dance floor.

I stumbled but regained my footing, laughing as I made my way between the tables. I’d known Jessie since I was a kid. If she was going to keep her mouth shut about something, there was nothing I could do to change her mind. Besides, I liked a challenge.

A flash of teal teased me as the woman I sought was swallowed in the sea of bodies rushing onto the floor as a popular song came on. I didn’t know the steps, or I would have danced my way to her. My eyes strained as they swept across the crowd, but she was lost.

Frustration ate at me. I grabbed another beer from the bar and leaned against the nearest booth to bide my time. My mystery woman seemed to enjoy dancing. Perhaps she was taking a break and would hopefully be out there soon enough, and then I would have my chance.

I tapped my foot to the beat of the next two songs, my eyes never leaving the dance floor, before I saw her again. This one was an easy line dance, and I picked up the steps in two turns. With confidence buoying me, I stepped into the dancing crowd and moved right, then left. I could feel the energy pulsing through me, knowing I was getting closer to her. I kicked my foot and slid a row up as we turned in the next direction. Whether she knew it or not, I wasn’t about to leave until I got the chance to introduce myself. I weaved my way closer with each pass until I was behind her.The song ended after two more turns.

She glanced over her shoulder and smiled, taking my breath away. She was stunning. Her blue eyes sparkled under the lights. She came up to my chin and had a killer body. Her tiny waist was accentuated by her slim hips and killer legs. The thin straps of her sundress seemed to barely contain her perky tits. Even with a thin sheen of sweat coating her pale chest, her skin looked like it would be silky against my fingertips. I curled my fingers and dug my nails into my palm, resisting the urge to run my hand along her arm and exposed shoulders.

“Hey there,” I said when my tongue started working again.

“Hi,” she answered, her flushed cheeks grew a shade darker.

A slow melody came through the speakers next.


“May I have this dance?” I extended my hand to her.

She bit her lip as she placed her hand in my palm. I pulled her closer, needing to know how her body felt against mine. Luckily, the dance for this song was a two-step. I placed my free hand on her hip and guided her as the music played.

“I’m Andrew,” I said as we made our way around the tiny space. There were more couples dancing than I had anticipated. So much for trying to win her over with my dance moves. I wouldn’t be able to spin her around like I wanted.

“I’m Victoria,” she responded, her accent taking me by surprise. It wasn’t quite right. There was a southern drawl to it, but with a tinge of something else. Something I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

She had a regal quality about her. She held herself as though trained to dance with a partner. Her moves were fluid, and she seemed confident enough that they were sultry, and not outright sexual.

“What brings you here tonight, Victoria?”

“What else? Ladies’ night. I came to have a few drinks and have fun with my girls.” She tilted her head toward the bar. I glanced over her shoulder as we circled, but I couldn’t tell who she would be talking about. The place was packed with groups of women huddled together.

A space opened up, and I took my shot. I spun Victoria out, just enough, and swirled her in. I wrapped her in my arms, and we fell into step, side-by-side. We continued, and I twisted around, bringing myself through her arms, which brought us back to where we started, with her in front of me. It was a move I’d learned when I was younger to impress the ladies.

The way Victoria’s face lit up, I guessed I still had it.

“Impressive. Got any more moves hidden under that ball cap?”

“Hey, don’t make fun of the hat.” I grabbed the bill and tipped it just like the other guys did with their cowboy hats.

“I’m sorry. I’m just used to all the cowboy hats around here. It’s different.” She bit her lip and glanced down.

“My work doesn’t require me to wear one all the time. I wear the ball cap because it’s more comfortable. Plus, I think it sets me apart from the rest. The cowboy look gets a little old around here, don’t you think?” I teased, hoping it would bring her back to me.

Her eyes locked with mine and she smiled brightly, trying to suppress a laugh.

“I guess you’re right. The hat doesn’t make the man.”

Well, that was one way to say it. Again, another thing that made me think she wasn’t from around here. Most women in the small town wanted the cowboy hat and boots. I may have the boots, but I hadn’t put on the hat since high school. Especially since it wasn’t something that made people take me seriously on a college campus.

“So, what do you do, Andrew?”

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