Page 3 of Loving Victoria

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“I’m a vet,” I said. Deep lines formed on her forehead, and her eyes flickered to the bar near where Alex was standing. “I don’t work in town.”

Her face snapped to mine. “Oh?” Her pitch raised an octave.

I laughed and spun her out again. “What do you do Victoria?”

“I have my hands in a bit of everything. I’m working on joining the family business.” She worried her bottom lip, not meeting my eyes. I didn’t know what the family business was, but she didn’t seem too thrilled to be going into it.

“I hope that ends up being a good thing. Wouldn’t want someone to wither away doing something they didn’t love.”

She continued to avoid my gaze, indicating this was likely a sensitive topic—not something I should push on our first meeting.

The next song picked up the pace, and this one was one I knew well—one I could easily manipulate the steps to get closer to her. I felt a desperate need to put a smile on her face. As we moved in step, I added in my flair, turned and did the steps backward, then brought her to me when she changed directions.

She knew how to move too. When she turned away from me and swayed her hips to the music, I had to clench my teeth together to keep my tongue from hanging out. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she was deliberately torturing me. I grabbed her hips and mirrored the steps with her flush against me.

This dance felt like foreplay. We didn’t need words to feel the electricity between us. Victoria gave just as much as she took, grinding her hips against me before stepping away and spinning into the next step.

Fuck, was this hot. I almost couldn’t wait to see what we could do with the next song until another guy stepped over and pulled her into him as another partner dance came on.

Seriously.Did he not see that we were dancing?

Before I could even think about giving the guy a piece of my mind, Victoria gave a slight shake of her head, silently asking me not to interfere.What the hell?A small hand wrapped around my bicep and tugged. Annoyance raced through me until I noticed it was Grace, Blake’s sister, trying to get my attention. I hadn’t even noticed the two of them were on the dance floor. I’d been so focused on Victoria, nothing else seemed to matter.

Grace hooked her arm through mine, and I reluctantly let her drag me to the bar. Jessie handed me a cold bottle, and I downed half of it in one go. Victoria was stiff in the other man’s arms, keeping a few inches between them, unlike when we were dancing. When he turned them, I caught her gaze over his shoulder, and to my delight, she rolled her eyes at the guy dancing with her.

“Well, that was about the hottest thing I’d seen in a while. Give her a second, you’ll get another chance.” Jessie’s voice was the only thing that pulled my attention. It was hard to fight the desire in me to stake my claim, to tell that asshole she was mine. It didn’t matter that I’d just met her tonight. Something about her called to me at a base level.

I shuffled my feet, waiting for this song to end.

Jessie laughed, once again drawing my attention to her, and fanned herself. “I swear you two were about to have sex on that dance floor.”

The thought piqued my interest.My cock pressed against the zipper of my jeans as though begging to be released.

Images of my large hands running over her gorgeous body flew through my mind. I had the burning need to free her full breast from that sundress and suck them in my mouth until she was writhing against me. Then, and only then, would I devour her pussy until she came.

I’d never felt this way about another woman before. Instead of scaring me, it intrigued me. I wanted to know everything about her. I wanted to bring her home and see if Caleb felt the same connection I did. See if he thought she was the woman we were meant to share, because it sure felt like that two by four my brother mentioned had hit me in the chest the moment I’d laid eyes on her.

Finally, the song ended, and Victoria extracted herself from the other man’s arms. She caught my gaze and, with a smile, headed in my direction. I took a step toward her when Ed Sheeran’s songShivercame on, and the girls started screaming and rushing toward the floor.Victoria shrugged and let Grace and Alex lead her into the crowd of dancing women.

I looked at Jessie for clarification.

“It’s the newest line dance we have. A group came up with it last month and taught everyone,” she explained.

“But this isn’t country.” My eyebrows scrunched together.It had been a while since I danced the familiar country steps, but I didn’t think I’d been this behind on what was current.

“You really think that matters anymore?” She tilted her head. “If we can create a group dance with easy steps, it’s enough to get it played on ladies' night.”

I took in the tight line on her lips and how she squared her shoulders to me. She’d done this so many times growing up. Pulling herI’m older and I know allcard. I held her gaze for a few seconds before she cracked, and we both burst out laughing. God, I missed my de facto older sister.

“Sounds about right,” I said when I finally caught my breath. “But I need a song I know, so I can get back out there.”

She handed me a beer. “Guess we can sit this one out together.”

I took a swallow from the beer. Impatience tugged at me, and I gripped the bottle tight. At least Victoria wasn’t dancing with another guy. I could wait my turn, even if everything in me wanted to throw her over my shoulder and head outside.

Need for this woman I barely knew grabbed hold of me and wouldn’t let go. As crazy as it felt, I wasn’t able to resist her allure.

