Page 27 of Loving Victoria

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Liar, my heart whispered. I was already halfway there.


Ispent the night exploring the twins’ bodies. Andrew had mentioned there were more ways to tell them apart when they didn’t have clothes on. He was right. Caleb had an impressive tattoo stretching from shoulder to shoulder on his back. It was a mixture of a few designs that seamlessly flowed together. The horses, longhorns, and barbed wire wrapped around each other were breathtaking. Andrew did not have any tattoos.

I’d wanted to stay in bed all day with both of them, but Caleb was needed to oversee the office construction, and Andrew was supposed to be helping out the stable hands. Which left me with nothing to do since my charity work was almost complete. I’d been stretching out everything I could with the project, but in all honesty, there wasn’t much else left to do.

I was getting antsy and needed to get out of the house. Maybe a ride would help.

When I finally made it into the barn, there was no one in sight. Matt, who I usually asked to help me, wasn’t anywhere in the barn. I wondered if everyone was working on the new office. The noise from the construction crew was loud the moment I exited the first barn and peeked into the other barn. Not a soul in sight.

Well shit. I turned around and came face to face with Caleb.

“Whatcha doing, princess?”

“I’m looking for Matt. Have you seen him?”

Caleb’s forehead crinkled, and his jaw ticked. “Why do you need him?”

Was he jealous of little old Matt? He was a cute kid, but I’d never even thought of him like that. “Because I want to go for a ride. He always helps me get ready,” I said, running my finger down his arm.

“Princess, you shouldn’t be asking for any other man except the two of us. If you need something, we will be there to help you.”

His words sent tingles down my spine and straight to my pussy. I almost wanted to see what else I could do to make him jealous. It was nice to see this dominant side outside the house.

I pushed to my tiptoes and pressed my lips against his. “There’s no one else but the two of you.”

He seemed slightly mollified by my admission.

“What are you doing inside? I figured you’d be out working on the office.” My hands rested on his chest. I loved the way his muscles felt beneath my palms.

“I was on my way to check on Stardust and Celeste when I saw you walk by. If you’re going to ride, I can walk with you to the other barn.” Caleb placed a hand on my lower back and steered me toward the exit. I tried not to frown. This wasn’t going the way I’d thought it would. I couldn’t saddle the horse myself.

We stopped by the mare’s stall and saw the filly nursing happily, her little tail wagging as she enjoyed her milk. “She’s so adorable. I can’t wait to see more of them running around here.”

Caleb wrapped his arm around me and drew me close, kissing my temple. “What was it you needed help with? They have everything handled out there for now.”

“Well.” I twisted my hands. “Matt usually tacks up Wind Dancer for me.”

Caleb eyed me.Busted. I sighed. Just one more thing I had to admit I couldn’t do. At least with Matt, he had volunteered to do it that first time and then just continued to do it for me. And I let him. Now Caleb was going to know I didn’t know how to tack up a horse.

“Are you telling me Matt takes care of your horse for you?” His eyebrow lifted.

“Don’t look at me like that. Out of everything we’ve been doing this week, this surprises you? Yes, Caleb. Matt takes care of Wind Dancer for me because I don’t know how. Are you happy now?” I stepped out of his hold and turned to stomp off.

I didn’t need to ride anymore. I needed to go find a hole and bury myself in it.

“Princess, come back here.” Caleb’s stern voice stopped me in my tracks.

I turned and saw the challenge in his eyes. I’d stopped, but I wasn’t going over to him.

“I’m sorry. I wasn’t making fun of you, babe. What lesson are you on?” His voice was lighter and sweeter.

I exhaled and felt some of the tension drift away. Caleb was going to give me a lesson on how to get a horse ready. “Come on. Let’s go.” He held his hand out and curled his fingers around mine when I took it.

In the tack room, we grabbed a bucket full of grooming supplies. Then I let us into Wind Dancer’s stall, and the mare nuzzled against my shoulder. Caleb retrieved a brush from the bucket and held it out to me. When I didn’t grab it right away, he adjusted me so we were standing next to the mare. He quietly came up behind me and placed the brush in my hand. Then, he moved our hands, so we were stroking the brush along Wind Dancer’s side.

“She isn’t that dirty, so soft strokes. If she had rolled, then you would need to put more pressure to make sure to get the dirt off. Plus, we’d also have the curry comb to help with that too,” Caleb said. His voice was low, and his breath caressed my ear. We worked our way around, brushing the mare from head to hoof and nose to tail. Then he showed me how to pick a hoof. When we finished, Caleb and I went to the tack room and grabbed all her gear.
