Page 33 of Loving Victoria

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And there was no way I wanted to talk about having children with those awful men. I rubbed my temples to stop the impending headache.

When I closed my eyes, I saw children running around in a large grassy area. They were adorable. It made me smile at how happy they were. Then a very handsome Caleb walked up and tossed one of the little girls in the air and laughed along with her excited squeals.

My eyes shot open.Where had that come from?I couldn’t afford to be having those thoughts about either CaleborAndrew.

“Listen, Mother, I’ll speak with you soon.” I hung up before she could respond. I needed to focus on getting ready. Today had to be perfect—a fun and exciting evening I could hold on to forever and remember on the really hard days.

I slipped into the blue dress and my tan boots Caleb insisted I wear tonight. If he liked this outfit, I would gladly wear it for him anytime he wanted me to. I wore a lacy baby blue bra and panty set, hoping when the night was over, I’d get to tease them with it. A soft knock on the bedroom door had me turning to see a very droolworthy set of twins.

Andrew whistled, and I felt my cheeks heat. Their obvious interest in me still caught me by surprise sometimes. Caleb and Andrew both wore dark blue jeans, crisp button downs, and clean boots. It had taken a while, but I’d successfully convinced Caleb he didn’t need to wear the pink shirt I ruined. Instead, he opted for his darker colors, like usual, with his navy-blue shirt, while Andrew wore a bright red one. I smiled, thinking Caleb had worn blue to match me.

“Excuse me while I melt.” I fanned myself and winked. If we didn’t leave soon, we wouldn’t even make it out the front door.

“We clean up pretty well, if I do say so myself.” Andrew smoothed his hands down the front of his shirt.

“Have you no shame?” I tried not to laugh, failing miserably.

“No, I do not.” Andrew flashed his pearly whites. “Are you ready, sunshine?”

I nodded, and Andrew turned to lead the way. Caleb held out his arm and escorted me down the hall. I couldn’t take my eyes off Andrew’s butt as he sauntered out of the house. I’d never met another guy whose Wranglers fit him like they were made for him. Well, except for Caleb. The urge to run up and pinch his butt grew, but I refrained.

Andrew opened the door to the truck, and Caleb lifted me onto the seat. I slid across the truck’s bench seat and settled in the middle. Andrew hopped behind the wheel, and Caleb climbed in on my other side. It was cozy being between them, but also torture. This close together, and I couldn’t risk touching them. I didn’t need either sporting a hard-on that might end this date early. And I didn’t think we were announcing all three of us were dating to the people in town.

But that didn’t stop Caleb from running his fingers along my thigh closest to his. I turned and eyed him, but he chuckled and squeezed my knee. The drive seemed to take longer than usual, but it was likely just me who thought that.

Andrew pulled into the parking lot, and I let out a breath when he finally stopped the truck. At least inside the bar, the guys would be good. Though last time I was inThe Cotton Jin, I had met Andrew, and we used dancing as foreplay.

Caleb offered his hand and then passed me off to Andrew as we walked through the front door. The house music was low, and the bar resembled a normal dining establishment. No tables pushed to the side, no dance floor in the middle, and it wasn’t packed with gyrating bodies.

“A booth in the corner, please,” Caleb said to the hostess.

She smiled and pointed to the booth on the other side of the bar. My insides twisted and jealousy raced down my spine. I slid my hand to rest against Caleb’s shoulder to show her he wasn’t available.

Andrew squeezed my hand and smirked. Of course, he’d caught me staring daggers at the cute, young woman. I didn’t care. She was hitting on my cowboy, and I didn’t like it. Just as quick as the anger appeared, it deflated. He wasn’t my cowboy, was he? I’d been promised to another. Four others, in fact.

I shoved those thoughts into the deepest recesses of my mind and let Andrew guide me as we followed Caleb to the booth.

Caleb slowed and stopped halfway to our destination. When he turned to face me, his eyes narrowed and his jaw tightened.

“Tori, I’m so sorry about this. I had no clue they were going to be here tonight, but I know without a doubt they will love you.”

His words caused panic to tighten my stomach. My eyebrows knit together as I peeked over his shoulder and noticed an older woman approaching us.

Andrew squeezed my hand so hard I winced.

“Sorry,” Andrew whispered before drawing me close to his side.

Caleb turned to face the approaching woman just as she reached us.

“Don’t you two look so handsome? Why haven’t you stopped by to see us since you’ve been home?”

The stunning older woman eyed Andrew and spotted me behind Caleb. Her mouth formed an “o” and her smile widened. “And who is this very pretty young lady?”

Caleb cleared his throat, appearing slightly uncomfortable. “Mom, this is Tori. Tori, this is our mother, Sarah.” He stepped aside as he made the introductions.

Sarah’s face lit up when her gaze caught my hand engulfed in Andrew’s.

“So, you must be why these two haven’t come to visit their mother and father. It’s lovely to meet you, dear. Please, come join us.” Her hand reached for mine. I gave Andrew a panicked look as she tugged me away but ultimately let her lead me toward a table with another woman, waiting patiently.
