Page 37 of Loving Victoria

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“Caleb?” Tori called out as she entered the house.

“Just grabbing some wine to bring out to the patio,” he answered from the kitchen.

I led Tori to the back door and waited for Caleb to join us with a bottle of red in one hand and three coffee mugs in the other. With a sweep of my arm, I gestured for Tori to enter through the door I’d just opened. The cool evening air hit me as we settled on the patio. The purples, pinks, and oranges of the sunset peeked out over the trees in the distance. We had timed it all perfectly, even with the unscheduled fun in the truck.Jessie had spruced up the wooden deck with potted, colorful flowers along the railing.

Tori took the mugs from Caleb and settled them on the table while he removed a wine opener from his pocket. I cleared my throat to hide my amusement. Caleb’s hands were shaking as he tried to open the wine bottle. He shot me a glare, recognizing my sound for what it truly was.

My nerve endings were frazzled, and Caleb likely felt the same way. We’d wanted tonight to be perfect. To do something special for Tori. Something to show her how much she meant to us. How much we wanted her to be with us.

“Here. Let me do that.” She reached out, and Caleb relinquished the bottle to her. She made expert work of opening the Pinot Noir Jessie had picked out for us and filled the coffee mugs.

“Sorry about the glasses. Seems like we’re going to need to add wine glasses to the shopping list when we upgrade the house.” Caleb’s cheeks darkened.

“This is perfect. This is you.” Tori gave Caleb a kiss and then planted her soft lips on mine.

Caleb stepped forward and sandwiched Tori between us, lightly kissing the exposed skin on her shoulder.

“I heard you like dancing,” Caleb said while continuing his open mouth kisses along Tori’s neck.

Her eyes darted to mine, and she grinned. I had a sneaking suspicion she was remembering the night we met.

“Are we going out dancing tonight?” she asked, her forehead creased in confusion.

“No. We thought we would bring the dancing to you,” I said, stepping away and reaching inside the house to flip the switch by the door. Little lights lit up the area. While Tori had been meeting with Alex this week, Caleb and I went to work on the deck. We strung twinkling lights from the deck to the low hanging branches of the oak tree outside creating a magical canopy of light enveloping the backyard in a warm glow. We were aiming for a nice romantic spot for us to unwind with Tori at the end of the day.

Tori gasped and spun around, taking it all in.

My heart squeezed. She looked so beautiful under the lights. It made her eyes sparkle when she stopped and gazed at us. This moment was everything I had hoped for when we planned it.

I took my phone from my pocket, laid it out on the table, and turned the music on, which connected to the outdoor speakers we’d set up. I didn’t think her smile could have gotten any bigger, but it did. The first song had a good beat to it, and Tori swayed her hips to the music. Caleb and I were content to watch her enjoy herself, twirling around the deck and giving us come hither smiles.

When she crooked her finger at us, Caleb swooped in and wrapped his arms around her. The tempo slowed down for the next song. My brother wasn’t known for his great dancing skills, but he made it seem easy while he spun her around.

We took turns dancing with Tori until the stars filled the sky, and Caleb complained his feet hurt. I sat in one of the outdoor chairs and pulled Tori down on my lap. Her legs hung to one side of my body, but that didn’t stop her from shifting closer and twining her arms around my neck. I groaned as she nipped my skin.

“Sunshine, you know I want you right now.” There was no mistaking how hard my cock was when it was shoved up against her thigh.

She gave me a playful pout.

Caleb sat down on the seat next to us, his hands running up and down Tori’s arm until he grasped her hands within his own.

Tori’s head tilted as she silently regarded us.

“Princess, I know this isn’t much, but we planned this with you in mind. We know how much you love to sit outside and how you express yourself while dancing. Our intention was to create a space here in our home for you—a spot you can enjoy alone or with us. We love having you here.”

Her breath caught and tears filled her eyes. “That’s the sweetest thing anybody has ever done for me.”

I ran my fingers through her hair as she laid her cheek against my chest.

Her hand lay over my thudding heart, and her eyes were on Caleb. “Thank you both for this.”

“Anything for you, princess. We want you to know that.”

I wanted to tell her we did it because we were falling headfirst in love with her, but we hadn’t made any promises about forever just yet. And like a filly, I didn’t want her to shy away from us or for us to push too hard, too fast.

Tori didn’t say anything at first. She rested her forehead against mine. We stared into each other’s eyes. The connection that was there from the first day we met was just as strong now, if not even more. “I know.”

She angled her head enough to lean in and kiss me. Her plump, pouty lips skimmed across mine, leaving sparks in its wake. Tori grabbed around my neck with both hands, her lips devouring mine, her movements needy and frantic. My hands rubbed soothing circles across her back as I deepened the kiss, wanting to give her what she needed.
