Page 38 of Loving Victoria

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Tori lifted her mouth from mine and whispered Caleb’s name. It was all the encouragement he needed to move closer. With a questioning glance leveled at me, he silently asked to have Tori in his arms.

I nodded and let my hands fall to my side.

Caleb scooped Tori from my lap and held her tight in his arms. His hands cupped her ass, and she immediately wrapped her lithe legs around his waist. My brother’s mouth captured Tori’s for an intense kiss.

Caleb moved to stand in front of a nearby tree. He pushed Tori against the rough bark of the trunk, his hand grasping her neck as he kissed her. She moaned and snapped her hips harder against Caleb’s.

Watching wasn’t usually my thing, but this make-out session between the two of them was so hot I needed to cup my dick through my pants and give it a hard rub. “I think it’s time we bring this inside,” I said, my voice dropping an octave from the desire pulsing through me. I needed to have my body between her legs just as much as Caleb did.

My brother must have agreed because he shifted his hold on Tori and walked into the house, his mouth never leaving hers until he reached the patio steps. I went ahead and opened the patio door, letting him enter before me, then I locked up and shut off the lights.

When I made it to the living room, I found they hadn’t made it very far. Caleb had Tori against the wall, his hand between them, under her dress. The top of her dress had been yanked down, and I groaned, watching her bare breasts rise and fall as Caleb worked her pussy.

Tori moved her hips, grinding against Caleb’s hand. She arched her back, and her head pushed against the wall. Caleb whispered dirty words along Tori’s skin, encouraging her to come hard. Not more than a few seconds later, she was screaming Caleb’s name.

“Good girl,” Caleb praised her.

I grinned. She was perfect for us. And I knew in this moment I would never get tired of watching her come.

Caleb pulled his hand free, and Tori eagerly watched him lick his fingers clean of her arousal. I moaned, already imagining the taste of her on my tongue. My need for her had me so on edge I could barely force out a single word, never mind a full sentence. “Bedroom,” I growled.

The anticipation of filling her up with my cock was killing me. Even though I’d just had her this morning, it never felt like enough. Caleb set Tori down just inside my bedroom door.

Her flushed face turned to me. I had to strengthen my willpower and not come in my pants from her appearance alone.

I jerked my head toward the center of the room. “On the bed, sunshine. Grab onto the headboard.”

She sashayed my way, lifting her dress off and over her head. The dress ended up somewhere in the corner of my room where she threw it, but I couldn't care less as I watched her climb onto the bed. Slowly, she crawled toward the headboard and lifted one hand to hold on. She turned her head, sucked her bottom lip into her mouth, and wiggled her ass at me.

Fuck. Me. We hadn’t even started, and I already wanted to drive myself into her warmth. “Is this where you want me?”

“Yes. Hold on to it while you ride my face. It’ll help keep you upright as you suck Caleb off.” I arched my eyebrow and grinned.

Tori’s eyes dilated with desire, and her pretty pink tongue poked out to moisten her lips. Fuck, this was going to be one hell of an ending to our date.


“Hello. Earth to Tori.” Alex snapped her fingers in front of my face.

“What?” I grumbled and batted her hand away.

“You were daydreaming again. I need that brain of yours here, not in la-la land.” She leaned against the side of my desk. We were supposed to be going over the proposals we got from the companies we’d met with so far.

“I’m sorry. You said something, and it made me think of my date night.” I rested my chin in my palm.

“Girl, that was last week. Those boys must have really put on a show for you.” Her eyebrows lifted and down suggestively.

“Oh, you have no idea.” Images bombarded me of that night. Caleb fucking me against the wall with his hand around my throat. Andrew making me ride his face and then using their belts to tie me to the bed. I came so many times. We didn’t stop until I passed out from exhaustion, cuddled between their bodies.

I yelped in shock when something smacked me on my head. With a groan, I rubbed my head and turned around, only to see Alex’s smug face tapping at a notebook in her hands. “Okay. Okay. I’m here. No need to choose violence today.”

Alex laughed, sitting in her chair. “We need to get this done. The longer it takes us to finish, the longer it’ll be before we can get to our men.”

Butterflies threatened to explode from my stomach.My men.I wanted it to be true so badly. I had to find a loophole in the arrangement with the Donaldsons. Maybe when we were done with our meeting, I could pick Alex’s brain about it. She had once been the catalyst in ending my sham of an engagement to Thomas and Declan. Maybe she had an idea I hadn’t thought of yet.Or perhaps I should include Tommy and Dec too. They might know of a way for me to end the engagement and for all of us to save face.

“Let’s get this done. Out of the two companies we had meetings with, which program do you feel would be the most beneficial to use? Think about how you’d use it in your practice,” I suggested to Alex.

“Well, the Reinhardts program is easier for us to transition to. It would give me room to expand on a few things and incorporate the digital imaging in the files.”
