Page 4 of Loving Victoria

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This was one of the most amazing nights I’d had in a long time.

Girls’ nights were the best, especially when I met hot guys. And Andrew was more than hot.

He was delicious.

When we danced, I swear we were the only two people in the room. He was tall and lean. I could stare into those hazel eyes of his forever. Not that I’d admit it, but he was even more handsome in a baseball cap. That alone drew my gaze to him. He didn’t blend in with every other male walking around this town.

The girls had rushed at me once the song changed to Ed Sheeran, and I quickly lost sight of Andrew. When the next song came on, I was pulled in by another guy, one even more pushy than the one who had cut in after Andrew. The hand of the guy slid lower down my back. Reaching behind, I pushed it up. The only guy I wanted to get handsy with was Andrew, but I didn’t want to be rude or cause a scene. I couldn’t draw any unwanted attention to myself. I was a Lady, after all. If the people of this town knew I was more than a citizen, things could get messy. I wanted to enjoy the rest of the time I had here before I had to return to Cosland.

I caught Andrew’s eyes on me more than once as this guy took me for a turn around the dance floor. I wished he would come over and cut in, but he stayed by the bar and talked with the girls. They had to know him. I’d ask them about him on our way home.

The song ended, and I thanked the handsy guy for the dance and darted to the bathroom. Assessing myself in the mirror, my makeup was fading from the sweat. My lipstick was nearly gone, probably smeared on the edge of a few glasses. I didn’t look at all attractive, so I could only hope I was still decent enough to grab Andrew’s attention again.

I made my way across the bar, scanning the room. He should have been easy to pick up with his height, broad shoulders, and impressive biceps. Yet no matter how hard I searched, he’d disappeared.

My heart squeezed. Instead of torturing myself any longer, I made my way to the girls. When I reached Blake, all the girls stared at me with wide eyes and fanned themselves.

“What?” I asked.

“You were one step away from screwing his brains out on that dance floor.” Grace grinned.

“That guy who probably just got out of high school? No thank you.” I scoffed, trying to play it off. I knew they weren’t talking about the guy I’d just left.

“You know who we’re talking about. Don’t deny it. We all pretty much melted over here just watching the two of you.” Alex took a sip of her cocktail.

“Damn, that boy has some moves.” Blake smirked.

Clearly, there was no fooling my new friends, so I might as well be honest. I didn’t want the night to end without seeing him again. “Do you know where he went?” I strained my neck over the crowd.

“Who?” Jessie asked, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.

“Mr. Delicious,” I answered without thinking.

“Mr.Delicious?” they said in unison.

I bit my lip.“Hell, yes he is, and you all know it.”

Jessie bumped my shoulder with her own. “Who again?”

I groaned. “Andrew. I want to find him before we leave.”

“I think he went to the bathroom. You should have seen him watching you. He was like a caged panther.” Alex laughed.

Jessie checked her watch. “If you want to say goodbye, you’ll need to hurry. It’s time for us to go. Martin will be outside waiting for us.”

Just then, Andrew emerged from the hallway where the bathrooms were. If I had only stayed there a few more minutes, we would have been in the dark hallway together. Fuck, now we had to leave.

“Let me say goodbye, and I’ll meet you guys outside in a minute.”

“Okay. Don’t take too long.” Alex squeezed my arm and turned to leave with the girls.

I tracked Andrew as he made his way through the mass of bodies. Butterflies threatened to erupt out of my stomach as he stalked over to me.

“There you are. I’ve been searching all over for you.” His drawl did funny things to my insides.

“Oh, have you now?” I asked innocently, still keeping up the fake accent I used in town. I was already regretting using it around him at all.

“Care for another dance, or maybe find a quieter place to cool down?”

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