Page 56 of Loving Victoria

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The sharp rap on the door drew me from my thoughts. I glanced up as Thomas stepped into the office.

“How are you doing, Tori?”

“I’m doing great,” I lied, knowing he would see right through it.

“How are we advancing with the software?” I was thankful it was Thomas talking to me right now and not Declan. Thomas was far more diplomatic than his brother and had taken the hint with the lie and changed the subject.

“I just finished a meeting with them. They will have everything fully installed and ready for us to use by the end of the day Monday.”

“Perfect.” He smiled. “I knew you could do it. And it’s just in time for the office to be finished. I think she passed the test nicely, don’t you?” Thomas leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arm. Declan slid into the room and propped himself next to Thomas.

“I think she did rather well.”

“What do you mean?” I narrowed my eyes. “What are you two up to?”

“We didn’t just ask you to help us with this project for no reason. We wanted to see if you could work with everyone here, and if you liked what we were asking you to do. If you meshed well with everyone, we wanted to offer you a permanent spot on our team,” Thomas said nonchalantly.

Declan beamed next to him.

My heart sped up, and I stared at them both. It was like my dreams were all coming to fruition. “Are you serious?”

“Tori, we’ve been trying to get you away from your parents for a long time. You know that. This was one of the ways we thought of when you graduated in December.” Thomas pushed off the doorframe and came straight toward me. When he was close enough, he put a comforting hand on my shoulder. “Honestly, we didn’t see the second marriage arrangement happening so fast. We should have though, knowing your parents. We want you to be happy, and if we can help make that happen, we’ll do it. That’s what friends do.”

“The only downside is we can’t find any loophole in the contract your mother had drawn up for this last arrangement.” Mikel popped into the room and took a seat in one of the empty chairs. His eyelids were heavy, and he had shadows under his eyes. “I’ve been combing through this thing for days, and I can’t find a thing. Your mother made it airtight after losing out on these two.”

“I don’t care what she did. She can’t use me for her schemes. I’m my own person, and I’m going to live my life how I want to. I’m staying here.”

“But there are consequences for backing out,” Mik huffed.

“Damn the consequences. I didn’t sign up for it.” I threw my arms in the air and paced the room. With the three men in here, plus me, it felt smaller and smaller with each pass across the floor. “I can’t go back. I can’t lose Caleb and Andrew again.”

Declan stepped in front of me and wrapped me in a hug. I buried my face in his chest. He rubbed his hand up and down my spine until the tension tightening my body released the tiniest bit. I took a deep breath and let it out. “Thank you,” I mumbled into his shirt.

“We’ve known you for forever. You are tough and you are one determined woman when you set your mind on something. Whatever you do, you know we all have your back.” His voice rumbled in his chest.

I had my best friends, my men, and everyone here on the ranch. Things didn’t feel so impossible anymore.We just needed to figure out a way for me to stay.

My phone buzzed on my desk. I peeked at the name that appeared on the screen and sighed.

“Your mother?” Mikel asked with a frown.

“Yes.” I nodded and Declan kissed the top of my head before letting me go. “You guys should go. You don’t need to hear this.”

“She always had that scary timing thing down pat,” Mikel said, getting up and exiting the room with Declan.

“I’ll let you get that. Are you sure you don’t need one of us to stay?” Thomas asked.

“Thanks, Tommy, but I’m okay.” And I was, or at least… I would be.

He nodded and left me alone to have this painful conversation with my mother.

I grabbed the phone and answered. “Hello.”

“Where have you been? Where are you?” she screeched into my ear.

I’d been ignoring her calls for days.“Hello, Mother.”

“Don’thello, Motherme, Victoria. You can’t just walk out of a bridal shop and then fall off the face of the earth. Where are you?”
