Page 57 of Loving Victoria

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“I’m at King’s Ranch.” It’s not like it would do any good to lie.

“Why are you there?” She didn’t even stop to let me answer before she continued. “You need to come home immediately. I was able to get the wedding booked for next weekend.”

“There won’t be a wedding. I’m not going to marry the Donaldsons.” I tried to keep my voice as level as possible, even though I felt like yelling at her.

“You most certainly are. Do you know what they will do to us if you don’t? What they will do to this family and the company? Youwillmarry them.”

I could picture the twisted scowl stretched across my mother’s red face. I rarely did anything against her wishes, but I’d seen her get upset a time or two.Usually at someone else.

“I don’t care what they do, Mother. I never agreed to be involved with this deal. Whatever happens is on you,” I said, straightening my spine and bracing for her reaction.

“You can’t do this to us, Victoria. You are our daughter, and you have an obligation to your family.” Her voice took on a higher pitch.

I pulled my phone away to stare at the screen in disbelief before putting it to my ear. “Is that what you tell yourself? You say I’m your daughter, but all you’ve ever done is treat me like a pawn in all your schemes.”

“That’s not fair, Victoria. I have only looked out for you and done what I thought was best,” she stuttered.

“In your own misguided opinion, that may be true, but it’s over now. Because you are right about one thing. I do have an obligation to my family. The family that I made, and I decided on. Caleb and Andrew are my family. So are Declan and Thomas and everyone else here at King’s Ranch. I want nothing more to do with you or my fathers.”

“Don’t say that, sweetie. You know you don’t mean that.” Desperation clouded her voice. “We only did it because we love you.”

“No, you don’t. Because if you really did, you never would have signed an agreement for me to marry into a family that is nothing but cruel. You were ready to sell me to the highest bidder, regardless of how I was to be treated, just so you could save face and make money.”

Her gasp barely made me pause.

“I will send someone to pack up my room and send my things to Texas. My life is here now. I don’t plan on coming home anytime soon.”

“You know you will lose everything if you do this. Your title will be stripped, you will be disinherited, and your fathers and I will never speak with you again.”

This was a threat I could fully get behind.

“I understand. But I don’t need any of that to be happy. I have a job and a family I love and who loves me. I don’t need anything else. Goodbye, Mother. I do love you and hope everything can be resolved for you.”

I could practically hear my mother working up to the next part of her argument, but I was done with the conversation. I ended the call before her shrill voice could hit my ears again. Taking a deep breath, I leaned against the desk to steady myself.

I’d done it.

I’d finally done it.

I was no longer under my mother’s thumb. She didn’t have a say in my life from here on out, and I wasn’t the least bit sad about it. She made her bed, and now she had to lie in it.

“Sounds like a new beginning?” Declan’s head popped into the office.

“Most definitely.” I plopped into a chair. My legs were suddenly shaking, and the adrenaline wore off.

“Tori, you don’t look so well.” Declan’s face appeared before me. His hand went to my forehead, and I swatted it away. “I’m serious Tori, you look like you’re going to pass out.”

“I’m fine. Just a little overwhelmed.”I let out a breath.

“Why don’t you take the weekend off? All three of you. Go give the guys the good news and then let them take care of you.”

“I thought I was supposed to be taking care of Caleb.” I softly punched Dec’s shoulder.

“Tori, we both know how it’s going to go. You are the center of their world. I’ve seen how you’ve changed them. How hurt they were when you left. How happy they are now that you’re home.” Declan grabbed my shoulders and lifted me up. “Now, go and enjoy some time with them.”


He placed my phone in my hand and turned me toward the door. “I mean it. I don’t want to see you until Monday,” he said and shoved me out the door.
