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“Agápi!” Liam exclaims, sounding like her mere presence has breathed new life into him.

She shoots him a soft smile. “Wait, my consort. I have a score to settle first.” Then she turns to me. “You fucking poisoned me,” she screeches.

I barely register her words, all I can do is stare at her. Though she looks worse for wear, it does nothing to hide her natural beauty, grace, and… well, unbridled anger that’s aimed straight at me.

“The fuck?” Liam growls, his hand clutching a knife he must have pulled out when he dived from his chair. “What did you do?” he thunders, taking a menacing step towards me.

Nereid removes some loose strands of hair from her face, her gray and stormy eyes never leaving mine. “Stay out of it, Liam,” she warns. “This is my score and I’ll settle it my damn self.”

I’m surprised when he backs off and chuckles. “You’re in so much trouble.”

Yeah, thanks, I kind of already figured.

I briefly chance a glance at the chair I was sitting in, and I can’t help laughing at what I see. Embedded in the cushion is the knife I used on her at the auction six months ago. “Are you going to kill me, Nereid?” I ask, genuinely curious what her plan is.

“Trust me,” she hisses. “If I wanted to kill you, you wouldn’t have heard me coming. That was my one and only warning. Do. Not. Ever. Do. That. Again. No man of mine should be so cowardly as to keep a secret like that and abuse my trust.”

I hate how her words pack more of a punch than if she’d wielded her weapon against me, more than if she’d cut me with the sharp steel. “You know the rules—”

Raising her hand, she silences me. “I don’t want your reasons or excuses.” Before I can ask what the hell she wants, she says, “I want your promise that you won’t keep me in the dark again. Just because I more than understand the ways of our—your—society, doesn’t mean it’s your get-out-of-jail free card.”

My need to touch her and pull her to me rises. I know this isn’t the time and that she’s likely to refuse me if I try, so instead, I shove my hands into my pockets. “Consider me warned,” I reluctantly say.

Satisfied, Nereid gives me a sharp nod before finally giving Liam the attention he must be about ready to beg for. “Liam.” His name is nothing more than a whisper on her lips.

Not wasting any more time, she runs into his waiting arms and throws herself at him. I should probably feel awkward as I’m unable to look away from their heartfelt and passionate reunion. I don’t, though. I feel like I’m getting a better glimpse into her life, into her other relationship—or should I say,oneof her other relationships.

“Agápi,” he groans against her lips while lifting her off her feet.

Laughing, Acacia pulls away and says, “I need a shower.” Then she looks at me. “Is there—”

Before she can finish her question, I interrupt and say, “Yes. Follow me.” Of course, Liam isn’t letting go and, much to my amusement, carries her as they follow me.

I should take them to the area of the house I picked out for her. Instead, my feet automatically lead them to my bedroom and my bathroom. “Go ahead,” I say, and even though it’s unnecessary, I ask Liam to stay with her while I find some clothes. The guy gives me a weird look I can’t decipher before nodding, and I leave them to get cleaned up—or whatever they want to do in there.

I don’t need long to find some clothes for both of them, seeing as I prepared for them to move in—hell, I’m even prepared for Gus. As much as I’d like to have her alone, I’m more than okay with the situation, and I’ve had time to come to terms with it.

Despite having stuff for both of them ready relatively quickly, I don’t return straight away. If it was me in there with her, I would want some privacy so I could take my time—whether it’s to hold her, talk with her, or to fuck her. Either way, I wouldn’t want to be rushed, and I’m man enough to grant Liam that.

I stop at the kitchen, asking the staff to prepare some light food and drinks. Liam and I have had nothing to eat, too busy waiting for Acacia. Now that she’s here, though, we all need sustenance—if for nothing else than to keep our hands occupied while we talk.

Fuck me, I’m not looking forward to putting everything on the table. I know it’s time, just as I know I’ve waited longer than I should have, and this needs to stop. No more bullshit and skating around the truth, convincing myself it’s okay as long as I don’t outright lie. From now on, I need to be as honest and upfront as I expect her to be—as she’s already been.

Acacia hasn’t just taken what this world—me included—has thrown at her, she’s risen to every occasion, never bending. She may be chipped, but she isn’t broken.

As I return to my bedroom with the clothes, my eyes are drawn to the bathroom door that’s ajar, and before I can think better of it, I walk over to the gap and peer inside. Despite the steam, my gaze zeroes in on their naked bodies, and I bite back a groan at what I see. Liam has Nereid pressed up against the shower cubicle. Her tits and cheek are squashed against the glass while he pounds into her from behind.

“You. Fucking. Scared. Me.” Each word is punctuated with his hips that piston back and forth. Before I can stop myself, my feet carry me closer, beckoned by her moans. “Ah… fuck… you feel—” He grips her hips, burying himself deep inside her.

Watching them like this, unrestrained in the throes of passion, goes straight to my hardening cock. My balls are tight with need, and I grasp the doorframe and squeeze. The clothes that were in my hands are now a pile on the floor, and my free hand is on my hardness.

I unashamedly rub myself while my eyes and ears devour everything they’re doing. Every sound and movement is being watched, and I want nothing more than to go in there and join them.

Tearing my gaze away from the V of her thighs, I look up and my gaze collides with Liam’s. Instead of looking away or stopping, he smirks at me. “It looks like we have a spectator,” he rasps, winding one hand into Acacia’s long hair.

“Who?” she breathlessly asks, trying to turn her head.

Liam doesn’t let go of her hair, making it impossible for my nereid to turn her head. “Who do you think? The naughty professor, of course.” He stops fucking her, still looking at me, and she lets out a displeased whimper. “Are you enjoying the show?” he casually asks.
